Monday, February 28, 2011

St Paddy's Day--My own version of March Madness!

Ok so I'm known to go a little overboard when it comes to holidays. I find a way to celebrate everything! I love finding new ideas & new ways to teach Karly so I thought I would share some of my ideas for St Paddy's Day.  I just ordered our official Shamrock Seeds, so we should have 4- leaf clovers by Easter if we are lucky! haa. pun intended! I mean aren't we all a little Irish?! Well my husband says he is so we are celebrating!

1: Leprechaun Hide & Seek: 
While we are all snug in our beds the leprechauns come in &; mix up the house while leaving pieces of gold... ex: shoes end up in the pantry but everything is left with a special coins. Some coins are chocolate, some are real money &; some are paper money tickets for " stay up 5 min later" or "lunch with Daddio", "Extra bedtime story"...

2- Blarney Stone Treasures:

1 c coffee grounds
1/2 c salt
1/4 c sand
1 c flour
3/4 c water
Mix together dry ingredients and then slowly add enough of the water to make a stiff dough—you might not need all off the water, so add slowly.
Knead the mixture on a floured surface until fairly smooth,Break the dough into desired sizes. We divided it into 4 equal pieces.  Hide your trinkets (super balls, small plastic toys, etc.) or money in the center of each ball of dough. Bake at 150F degrees for 2 hours (I turned them over half way through)  and then air dry 2-3 days (or longer).  If you make smaller rocks I would dry one hour in the oven and then air dry 2 days or more.  The size of rock and the amount of humidity in your home will affect the drying time.  They will look and feel like rocks when dry. You can also paint them green & add googly eyes on them :) Oh ps-- I think they would make great dinosaur eggs too!

3--Breakfast at our house will consist of nothing less than a big bowl of LUCKY CHARMS (of course) with Green Milk!

4--Leprechaun Treasure Hunt: fill a tub with split peas, pistachios, bamboo rice (anything green!) &; hide some golden coins for a good old treasure hunt

5--Snacks: Nothing a little food coloring can't do!
Green Popcorn

Leprechaun Pudding

Clover Crispies

Pot of Gold:
Pineapple jello. Or if you are health conscience chunks of pineapple works great too!
Rainbow Cupcakes
These were a huge hit last year. She loved it SO much I had to pull it out again this year so fun! a little messy but SO fun!
Take a white cake mix & divide up the batter in separate bowls. One for each color of the rainbow. Add food coloring to the batter to make the pretty colors. Then place 1 T of each color into the cupcake liner & bake as you would normal cupcakes!

So I am still looking for ideas for  an all green dinner. Kar is kinda boy-cotting anything green right now but hoping after a day of all these green treats she will be up for a green dinner. I'll keep ya posted if I come up with anything good. I do know that with dinner we will be having ...

6--Blarney BLessing Biscuits

I take little green strips of paper, wrote a blessing and then laminated them or you can wrap the strips in foil. Our blessings go something like this: “May you always have friends to greet you.” My husband’s, “May your hard work be rewarded. And of course one for Miss karly, “May your sippy cup never run empty” 
I baked these blessings in garlicky cheese biscuits. They taste similar to the ones at Red Lobster when fresh out of the oven. I feel a little bit like Paula Deen even suggesting that someone use this much butter, but they are tasty!
Blarney Blessing Biscuits
2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt (3/4 tsp if using Kosher salt)
4 tsp baking powder
1 tablespoon sugar
1 cup butter, divided
2/3 cup milk
1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese
1/4 to 1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/4 tsp of salt

Preheat your oven to 450 degrees. Stir together the flour, salt, baking powder, and sugar in a bowl. Cut in 1/2-cup cold butter with a pastry cutter until the mixture looks like peas. Stir in the milk and mix just until the dough clears the sides of the bowl. Stir in the shredded cheese. I make these totally in my food processor.
Melt remaining 1/2-cup butter and add the garlic powder and salt. Form dough into balls (about 2 tablespoons in size, makes about 18 or so biscuits). Dip each ball in butter mixture and place on ungreased cookie sheet. Place your strips of laminated paper in the middle of each biscuit. If I weren’t trying to show there was a blessing in each biscuit in the photo I probably would have folded the strips so they were hidden. Bake 10-12 minutes until golden. Drizzle any remaining butter on top and serve immediately. Since they are best served straight from the oven I made them early in the day and kept them in the refrigerator until they were ready to be baked. 

Activities you ask?
A little hard to see but its all about letters. Match the big A with the little a...
Lace the clover

Clover Count-- match up the Number Clover with the Dot Clover that corresponds 

Stampin Shamrock (with Potatoes)
To correlate in the potatoes...Finish up the activity with: 

OOh which give gave me an idea for dinner-- green mashed potatoes!!! whoo hoo! Sorry random thought!

Rainbow Cereal Art

Ok so I am taking advantage of the little leprechauns & their love of rainbows to teach all about color.

Color Wheel Paint & learning Secondary Colors

One of Karly's favorite morning activities is we take an egg carton, add a little water & food coloring. I find all the little droppers I can find & she drops & mixes. We drop the water onto paper towels & wax paper. She will spend a good hour doing this all while helping her fine motor skills & learning how mixing colors create new colors. It is a real winner!

Ok so here is the start to my St Paddy's Day celebration. I am sure there will be more to come as well. The ideas are endless I tell ya! 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Ready, Set, PAINT!

The paint fumes are starting to get to me! This week we began our home updates. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to decorate- nothing gets me more excited. For awhile now I have realized that my taste is drastically changing, I was SO tired of our previously olive green walls & purple furniture. Don't get me wrong I loved it when we did it but just got tired of it after 7 years and my style has changed. Our house is not a fun house to paint so, we called in back up! And we are well on our way but I am getting anxious to get it all finished-- I see my vision coming to life! And well I would like to have a place to sit in my living room again!
My previously green walls with our new mantle Jason added to my mosaic fireplace, yes, I mosaic'd our fireplace. I mosaic anything I can get my hands on. :) 

more green walls

NO MORE GREEN- back to Buff (aka Khaki)
My house is a crazy mess right now

SO what is coming... Buff walls, I am on my way to Lowes today to get some sand paper to start distressing my coffee table. Karly spilled nail polish remover on it a while back making me SO sad, I love the table! It hit me the other night, we don't need a new table I can make this work! The theme is Shabby Chic/ cottage-- It is my new craze! I love taking modern & mixing it with old beat up rustic-- I just think it is beautiful. I have my eye on a new gorgeous area rug, new black leather furniture will be ordered tonight. And decor is all over my house in bags :) I am so excited to see the change & finished product... Hurry up Carl! (the painter!)

ON to the bathroom... I have not liked our bathroom for a long time. It is a long story but the guy who installed it was a moron & make some really stupid decisions leaving me with a mess! We talked about gutting it, but that just seemed like too big of a project so for now we are repainting & doing some small things. It was all white & khaki and now it is on its way to "Interesting Aqua"
excuse the mess- I have no where to go with anything right now!
SO this pic does no justice but I am IN LOVE with the color. My vision is SO clear to me now...

There is still a lot to be done--- he hasn't even started on the kitchen downstairs which will be my beach inspired kitchen, color "Latte" ;) Is there anything better than sitting on the beach drinking and iced coffee, I THINK NOT! I am on a mission to finally have my house exactly as I want it! Stay tuned...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

"When you got a good thing"

This past week, Jason & 1 celebrated 9 years together. wow! We had a great evening out, thanks to my precious mother who is always looking for an excuse to watch our Karly Bug. We decided to go back in time a little bit to the place he proposed & re-live the night as best we could. One of my favorite places in the world is the Spaghetti Factory Downtown. I love the old architecture, the floors, the windows-- just love it & find it incredibly romantic! 9 years ago I knew that he was going to propose that night but I didn't know how or when. So I ate each bite carefully thinking maybe it was in my food, & keeping an eye out thinking some violinist might jump out & start playing while he got down on one knee, I had thought of everything! So we ate our salads, pasta, dessert, still no ring, I was getting nervous! Where was it? did he change his mind? surely my Dad gave his blessing (Or I'mm killing my dad!) I started to panic on the inside still trying to keep my cool on the outside. Dinner came to an end & my anxiety rose, it was a long walk up those wooden steps, heading to the car THERE it was, my sign-- A gorgeous horse & carriage! It was crazy cold so we snuggled under the blankets (that smell like horse poop, I might add ;)  and took a long ride, then finally positioned perfectly under the arch he got down on one knee in the carriage & I heard the words "Leann Linda Kellermann will you marry me?" Honestly, I only heard my name. I saw the sparkles & I swear my entire life past before my eyes, I couldn't speak. In which he on the ride back asked "That was a yes, right?!" This past wednesday we relived it all again, it was so sweet & nice to relive it without the anxiety. :) We joked, 9 years, who would of thought? haa NO ONE. See we had only dated for 2 weeks! oh and did I mention we were getting married in 2 months from our engagement! Yeah lets be honest, no one thought it would work. We were night & day, completely opposite, yet some how we knew that we were the perfect balance for each other. I can tell you that it doesn't matter if you date for 2 weeks, 2 years or 12 years, when it is meant to be, it will work! Life together is incredible, sure we are like any normal couple, we have our days we don't wake up in love, we have those topics that you learn not to bring up, there are those peeves that you choose to ignore-- who doesn't?! But I love this man more today than I could have even imagined possible 9 years ago.  We both have grown so much that it excites me to see what another 9 years will be like. I can't wait to grow old with him! 

9 years ago! 

9 year anniversary

Jason Courtney, if you ever figure out how to read my blog ;) haa.  I love you. Thank you for  making me feel like I am the only girl in the world that could make you a happy man. Thank you for working hard & still protecting your time with me- that at the end of the day you still make time for me & our family.  Thank you for making me feel secure in every situation; for being my protector. Thank you for teaching me to love people & being patient with me. Thank you for letting me be vulnerable.  Thank you for loving me when I could not love myself. Thank you for telling me I am beautiful when I have stinky breath, no make up & my hair everywhere. Thank you for not being a wimpy husband. I look forward to another 9+ years with you! I know you don't like fairytales, but I have to say that life with you is pretty darn close! ;)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Jouney has ended... 9 months for some 9 years for me!

A lot of my friends already know my on going saga of getting pregnant or lack there of. There is not much about it that I hide. I've been on this baby journey for 9 years now I have learned SO much & I truly believe that it has made me a better person. I went through phases that I could not attend a baby shower, I could not be around pregnant friends, I would not hold babies... It was in those moments that I learned a lot about myself.

Well, in all of this & after 6 yrs of trying for karly I still really wanted to have another, I wanted Karly to have a sibling that she could be close to in age (It is something I never had. Though I had great sisters I never had a playmate & often felt like an only child) So it was important to me that she had a sibling. Since having Kar I have had multiple miscarriages, most of the time I don't talk about them. It just gets too hard-- people feel bad for me, they feel awkward, not knowing what to say, I have to answer a lot of questions, and well frankly, I am past the point of needing sympathy. I mean really, "How was your day?" Oh I had a miscarriage, how was yours?" LOL just doesn't work well into the conversation! No matter how many times I say, "Im ok", people don't believe me & bless them for that, they really do care. But for me it is just a part of something that happens in my life. I realize that if I had delivered every baby I miscarried we would probably have an entire baseball team by now- I have stopped counting.

ANYWAY, getting to the point... The past few weeks I have not been feeling well, tired, sickish, tired. made jokes about maybe I'm preg. Not thinking for a moment that I could actually be.

The past couple months I have done a lot of thinking & reflecting, do I really want another baby? And finally came to my answer... NO. So last night I told Jason. I realize now that I want to be preg & give birth more than I actually want to raise a child ( I know I am sick in the head, I actually liked the giving birth part!). Don't get me wrong, I love my child, but you see, she is next to perfect, and well we have this theory: child #1 is perfect, intelligent, well behaved, then comes #2 Still cute & sweet but not like that first one, then comes #3 & OMG! What the heck happened to our sweet children, and if there be a #4 you better just give up cause you are out numbered! We've decided we are perfectly happy & content with our little family.

So last night we had dinner with clients/friend, who happens to be an OB (Irony!) toward the end of the night I started having stomach pains, this was not normal cramps. This morning I got up & took Karly to dance and I felt horrible-dizzy, lightheaded, incredibly sick, but just kept going. I had a fun day planned with my girl. Then early this afternoon IT happened, miscarriage #210 (not really that many, but it feels like it at times!)  Luckily, I have this down to an art form-it doesn't alarm me, I know how to handle it. Do I feel good? No, I hate what it does to me physically. However emotionally, I have never felt better. In 9 years I think I have finally found a place of peace & contentment in this journey. For the 1st time ever I have not felt remorse, guilt, shame; I actually felt happy. So I say all this to basically end my "journey," my journey is over- I have arrived in a sense. I will be here for those who need me cause God knows I know way more than anyone should about this topic and I know there are still lots of women out there hurting, but I can promise you this, at the end of your journey no matter the result, you will find rest!

So this song, I fell in love with awhile back. I guess it is suppose to be some love song but for me it was everything I felt towards the lives I've never known, yet have impacted my life in ways I cannot even explain... Music is how I function & this was part of my process in getting to where I am now. Hope it touches someone else out there, to hear it in a different light.
Just to be with you-- Archuletta

I've been alone so many nights now
And I've been waiting for the stars to fall
I keep holding out for what I don't know
To be with you just to be with you

So here I am staring at the moon tonight
Wondering how you look in this light
Maybe you're somewhere thinking about me too
To be with you there's nothing I wouldn't do

And I can't imagine two worlds spinning apart
Come together eventually

And when we finally meet I'll know it's right
I'll be at the end of my restless road
But this journey it was worth the fight
To be with you

Just to be holding you for the very first time
Never letting go
What I wouldn't give to feel that way

Oh to be with you
And I can't imagine two worlds spinning apart
Come together eventually

And when you're standing here in front of me
That's when I know that God does exist
'Cause He will have answered every single prayer
To be with you just to be with you

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Sushi Verdict is in!

My oh my, what an experience!!
With the help my incredible friends I walked into the sushi restaurant feeling very confident & educated. Hats off to my sushi loving friends- love you guys! We had a great waiter who was so patient with me & Jason with all of HIS questions, cause all I had to do was pull out my phone & there was my handy dandy list of suggestions, no really he was so helpful!

We started the dinner off with:
Spicy Tuna Kickers
-- they were rather tasty, just tasted like a fried tuna sandwich. But the dip was to DIE for!

Then came the real deal, we ordered:
White Tiger Roll-calamari tempura, crab, avocado, masago tossed with white tuna, spicy mayo & eel sauce
Dragon Roll- crab and cucumber topped with eel, avocado, eel sauce & sesame seeds
Fried Philly Roll-salmon, cream cheese, and avocado, battered & topped with eel sauce

Ok so for someone who only east fish sticks ( and I am talking once a year!) this is BIG!!!  Impressive right?! Well, I was surprised, I actually really liked the Dragon Roll, but I am a huge fan of avocado & well I thought that the eel on top was bacon- LOL! It was pretty good. I would order it again. The Philly was manageable, didn't mind it but didn't really like it a lot either. However, it was Jason's fav, imagine that it was FRIED! LOL. However I could not stomach the White Tiger, it was the 1st one I ate & it about sent me running for the toilet. I was literally gagging while trying to hurry & swallow. The fact that I didn't stop there, I think I deserve an award! My goal was/is to start with the worst that way everything after that taste wonderful & in the end I will love fish!

Our server kept talking about training your taste pallet... so we made this analogy, Sushi is like beer, it doesn't really taste good, you just keep doing it because it is so cool & then one day you end up liking it. Not that I really know, I find beer repulsive, but it was the analogy for the night!

We finished up with dessert: Chocolate Cake-- DELISH!

The best part of the night was that I got to share my leftovers with one of my favorite people & did I mention that we ordered wayy too much!? Kim, I hope you enjoy every little raw morsel! :)

Overall, an experience. Won't ever crave it, but if I am ever in the position I can stomach it & now I know what I like & what to stay away from. The seafood journey is all downhill from here, the worst part is over! It was fun, but Jason did stop at Jack in the box on the way home, he wanted at burger! haaa.

I will like fish, I will like fish, I will like fish!

I am here to add to my list of New Years resolution. I thought of something else!

I am determined to make myself like seafood. yes, you read it right. silly? I know! I have this strange obsession, or lack thereof, with fish & seafood. I do not eat any of it. I have eaten seafood 4 times in my life: fishsticks (hardly counts- huh?!), lobster at a fondue place, dolphin in Barbados (AMAZING), and some fish that I ate the skin of & guess I wasn't suppose to. I find seafood intimidating. I know I am strange- some people get intimidated by other people; me? FISH! LOL. But really they need to serve it with directions, how was I to know not to eat the skin? they are the ones that put it on the plate! Anyways.

I think that is looks incredible & for whatever reason makes me feel important ( I KNOW I HAVE ISSUES!) the sound of eating lobster tails with butter sounds amazing yet when I taste it- I am totally repulsed by the texture. After watching the documentary Food Inc (Which I think everyone who eats meat of any kind should see!) and coming to grips with my desire to want to eat seafood & the fact that it may be one of the only healthy meats out there-- I have to develop a love for it! If you know me well you know gradual is not in my vocabulary- it is all or none with me! Dinner reservations are made tonight at the Drunken Fish- Bring on the Sushi!!! Forget the cooked fish, give it to me raw!

I'll let you know how it goes... in the mean time send me your suggestions!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Magical Bed & more Karly Updates

Karly has went through a really difficult phase when it comes to sleeping. She has struggled with horrible terrifying nightmares & waking up  consistently throughout the night not able to sleep. This is so UNlike my child. I thought for awhile that I was getting paid back for having an infant that was sleeping thru the night at 4 weeks. Kar has always been an incredible sleeper for 2 reasons: #1 we followed "baby-wise" to a T & I am a mother on a schedule- yes that is right I am patting myself on the back! lol. We made no exceptions when it came to her sleep & for that I had a child who slept like a baby (no pun intended!) I had a mission, I am a mother who NEEDS sleep- I am not nice when I don't sleep so I did what it took. Needless to say when these sleep problems started I was not smiling. After about a month or so of dealing with it & trying to figure it out I decided I had no other option we had to get her out of the toddler bed and into a big girl bed, cause I was tired of falling asleep on a hardwood floor in hopes to get her back to bed. I am not a fan of her sleeping with us & it never worked, even when I finally broke down & tried it- I then just had less room, lost my pillow, & soon she was rubbing my head saying "its ok just close your eyes and go to sleep mom" while she would then find my phone and start playing games at 4am-- not a solution! SO we did it, we got Karly BIG GIRL furniture. OK can I tell you how difficult this was, ok maybe I was being ridiculously picky but I knew what I wanted & I was not compromising nor was I spending $5000! We are on a budget people. But I wanted good furniture that she was not going to grow out of in 2 years. So you are asking... Did it help? YES!!!! From the 1st night in her new bed on she has been sleeping perfectly, she is back to sleeping 11 hrs at night & a 2 hr nap-- THANK YOU GOD! She loves her new room, she got to help me pick out her new bedding & rearrange everything to fit. We are so thrilled! She tells me that she just needed a princess bed all along! I swear it is magical...

My child LOVES to read so this is one of her fav spots

I love owls & wasn't ready to retire this pix so we found bedding to match

Her beautiful artwork on display- clearing she likes to paint trees

Oh, these are her frogs she got for her b-day, she named them Mickey & Minnie.
Karly Update:
we just went for our 3 yr check up. She is such a big girl & well, tells her dr lots of fibs, she was hilarious as usual. According to Karly she eats cheeseburgers everyday for lunch & has no friends & can count past 4 but just doesn't want to... oh my we might need to start working on "honesty"! Yes this is all what she told the dr! karly is weighing in at 32lbs & is 40in (a VERY tall girl) & mentally at a 4 1/2 yr old level. Explains why she keeps me on my toes! Her latest craze is she wants to learn to read. For Christmas she got little reader books and she can read books A-K and knows all the letters & sounds of the alphabet. Last week she informed me of how to spell her name. Sometimes she scares me, I am not sure where she picks all this up. But I am SO thankful that God has blessed us with a healthy  & brilliant child.

Karly also started gymnastics in addition to her dance classes. I have to say that she is a better Gymnast than she is a dancer- guess she gets that from her mother's side. LOL. But she is loving both. Bars & handstands are her favorite! She has her first "performance" in March & is learning her routine for it-- so funny to me. She is such a little joy!