Wednesday, November 15, 2017

What's for Dinner?

Life is crazy & chaotic these days. We have hit that phase  in life where we are running  EVERY. SINGLE. night; piano, basketball 3 nights a week, karate, swimming, art lessons, American Heritage Girls, theater... and on top of that my husband is gone every night to take care of his parents.
Most nights I am lucky if I remember to feed my kids.

I forgot dinner last Wednesday, we were leaving art lessons driving to basketball and Karly says, "Mom, where is dinner?!"  << Whoops! >>  I am pretty sure my kids will never let me live that down.

With no time to run through the drive thru...What to do?...

I started digging in my purse, cause let's be honest every mom knows where to find a leftover snack! I offered a baggie of crushed goldfish and graciously reminded them that some kids in the world are starving, they can survive going without one meal. No one took me up on my goldfish offer. So clearly they were not starving! LOL! (If you ever think I have this parenting thing down, let this be your reminder, I do not! ;)

Tonight we got to sit down as a family & eat dinner. I know this sounds like a ridiculously simple thing, but these days it is incredibly rare. I know that it is just the season of life we are in, but it felt SOO comforting to all be together sharing a healthy homemade meal.

I pulled this recipe off Pinterest  (recipe here) just because I had all the ingredients, but it was a winner! Everyone came back for seconds, even my little picky pants!

**And to you Moms (or Dads) out there, I just want to say, whether you are feeding your child snacks from the bottom of the bag or healthy homemade dinners, you are killing it! Give yourself grace. Laugh at the silly moments and trust me, they will live! Personally, I think my kids enjoyed seeing me scramble & now they forever have a great story to tell, about the time mom forgot to feed them ;) Every kids need a good story to tell! **


Thursday, November 9, 2017

Leaving a Legacy

I'll never forget the first time I met this man, he was tall, strong, built like a linebacker. He had a presence about him that was both intimidating & reassuring. I was walking in for my first "real" grown up interview. I had just moved back home for college, did not want to live at home and was desperate for money. My sister knew of a job opening with a custom home builder, so I made the phone call & got an interview. Now you might think I have a degree in interior design, marketing, sales, architecture or engineering.... nope! I was a psych major. I knew nothing about homes.
This stately white haired man sat across from me, asked me 3 questions:
Do you have kids?
How old are you?
Why should I hire you?
...and said ,"ok I'll have someone call you." It was the easiest interview I have ever had to date. Little did I know that a year later that man would become my father in law.

Although he has never told me I think he loved popping in my office to interrogate me. At the beginning it made me so incredibly nervous. This man who had built a lucrative business was sitting at my desk asking me questions that he had to know the answers to; that I, the new sales assistant, had no clue how to answer! My palms would sweat, my heart would race, I would feel like a babbling idiot, pretty sure I had sweaty pit stains, more than I care to admit. Then one morning he popped in & sat himself back in my chair and begin asking me questions of a more personal content and that was when I realized his interrogation had nothing to do with "work" but had everything to do with getting to know me. He got up from my desk & pointed at me as he walked out the office and said "you're alright kid!" And we began this little banter every morning of me getting him coffee & his asking "did you touch the rim?" (He did not want anyone touching the part he drank from. lol.) It was a series of questions & joking back & forth. If you know him, you know he loves watching people squirm.

As time went on I had babies, ended up leaving that sales assistant position to be a stay at home mom. Watching him with my babies was a sight to see. He was so good at knowing just what they needed. It was like he could just read their little minds. He could interpret each little coo & goo.

This past Father's Day we went to their home for dinner. While Jason played in the yard with the girls he sat across from me & very seriously, so intensely he said " LeAnn, I gotta tell you I think what you are doing with those girls is just great. The things your teaching them, makes me proud. Don't ever stop teaching them." If you know this man you know he is not a giver of warm loving words. That moment meant so much to me. Because he is a man of few affirmations I understood the weight of these words.

Little did I know that 2 weeks later he would be admitted to the hospital for the next 6 months. That his body would be racked with stage 4 cancer in his brain, bones, & lungs, he would suffer strokes, ecoli, bed sores that would leave him screaming in pain, phone calls that he may not make it through the night, and that my husband would now spend every evening/ night in the hospital with him because he needed 24/7 care.
Everyday. every hour. every breath mattered.

When someone you love is suffering it is never easy to watch. But seeing this strong ox of a man now in tears of pain, sunken in cheeks, no muscle to show for, unable to move his arms or legs,  unable to make a complete sentence--your heart completely shatters.

Bill, I could tell you this now but I am not sure that you would remember it or even fully understand. I know there were times that you were not the best father, loosing your own father at the age of 12. You never had an example of what a father should be, you were an absent father while trying to build a business, I know there were times that business decisions tore your family apart, times when family dinners felt more like business meetings. But I have had a front row seat to this stage of your life and I assure you, you are loved. I have watched your kids push themselves to the brink of exhaustion, fight with everything in them to get you the very best care imaginable. Your grandkids surround you with hugs, tears, pictures, ice-cream. Family fly in town to sit by your side. You may have worked your entire life to build a business but somewhere along the way you managed to also built a family that loves you more than you will ever know! I am so proud to call you my family.

So in true Bill fashion, let me just say " you aren't too shabby yourself, Boss!" ---xoxo.

*I wrote this post over a year and a half ago & I never hit publish. This man continued to fight hard, he had so many ups & downs. Days where he was full of life and days we all wondered if he would see tomorrow. Tonight I got "the call" the one you never want to get. But Boss it was time. You fought so long & so hard. I almost couldn't believe it was true cause you beat the odds so many times before! You are the strongest, most stubborn man & I believe you are up in heaven now telling Jesus how the heavenly homes should be built, talking politics & fussing with Grandma Pearl ;) As sad as it is to know that when we pop into visit I won't hear ya say, "Hey look who it is!, your chair will be empty, & no one will be there to feed my kids loads of ice-cream; but I am so happy you are pain free, your body healed, you are HOME. 

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Facebook Friends?

I have a love hate relationship with Facebook. Love connecting with long lost friends, catching up with old roomies, keeping up with friends that have moved, seeing friends get married & watching little ones grow... but then there is the politics, the rude comments that people would never say face to face, only showing highlights of life, no real connection, no real meaningful friendships, the MLM selling (yes I went there ;) I can say this because I built an entire business on fb, it works. I get it! (no pun intended)...

The other day I was walking into Target & I saw a girl that I am friends with on FB, we each passed each other without saying a word or even a nod, and I thought to myself, why am I friends with someone in the social media world who I am not even comfortable enough to say "hello" to in person & visa versa. I find it such a strange phenomenon. We let people into our world, see so many details of each others lives, we call them "friends". When in all honesty, we are only FRIENDS with a hand full of our "friends".  I had decided that I was over Facebook. I was tired of the phony friendship, irritated by the people who ask to me be "friend" them but then judge the way we do life, the people who find posts of my kids annoying... I was done wasting time writing posts, reading posts & spending my time on things that didn't matter.
Why was I scrolling Facebook instead of playing pirates with my own little one?

So I decided it was time to step away from the FB world & found it incredibly freeing, uplifting. I was completely out of the loop & loving it. Not long after signing off I started getting messages from friends telling me that they missed my posts, they loved seeing what we were learning, they actually missed what I had to contribute & how I had been encouraging them.  I begin to think about family members who don't have Instagram & they were telling me how much they were missing seeing what we were doing. So I decided to cave.

I'm back...... dun dun dun! ;)

SO maybe we aren't FRIENDS
you don't know my deepest darkest secrets & maybe you are not the one I text at 11pm when I've watched one too many episodes of Grey's & think I now have a terminal disease, or when I have eaten one too many pieces of halloween candy and may need to borrow some spanks! We may never have had an actual face to face conversation, you may not understand that the million posts of my kids is not to show off or say look at me, but they are for Grandma's who miss them. You may think that my educational post are an attack of your educational choice, let me assure you they are not. I come from a family of teachers, public, private, homeschool... I have never met 2 kids the exact same, so believe me when I say do what is best for your child.
{And since we are on the topic & I am on a roll ---
not all homeschooled kids are the same either. Yes, I will be the first to assure you there are some bizarre homeschooled kids out there, but if you have ever walked through ANY school... there are some really bizarre kids everywhere you go! Yes, my kids bathe, brush their hair & gets fully dressed everyday, but somedays we sleep til 9 & we do school on our pj's , just because we can! We actually follow a schedule & curriculum. mind blowing, I know! And to answer you next question: yes, my children get TONS of social interaction, with people of all ages. My girls' social calendar would probably make you dizzy. Lastly, please don't quiz my kids (sigh!) There are those who feel the need to quiz my kids on what they are learning but yet have no idea what curriculum their own child is studying. Seems a bit hypocritical. So... if you feel so inclined to quiz my child, I will suddenly feel the need to quiz you on what your child's education & learning styles, so be ready ;) lol! Ok sorry about that little ramble. I know everyone means well but really folks homeschooling has come a LONG way, the most recent stat I read said 1.8 million students in the US are homeschooled. So if you haven't met a "normal" homeschooler maybe YOU should get out more ;) LOL. } Enough of my rant. oh if you don't know me well enough to know, please insert loads of sarcasm in the previous paragraph ;)}

If you are still reading & my crazy unusual lifestyle inspires you to find what you are passionate about, if I can share with you something fun to do with you child, if I can be an example of a mom who actually likes spending time with her kids, if you think I may be slightly insane but you are intrigued, if you are new to your homeschool journey & you need to know you are not alone, if you want to talk curriculum, learning styles, & parenting techniques, than by golly I am here! I by no means think I have all the answers or that my way is the only way. Being a mom is hard, working full time is hard, being a wife is hard, being a teacher is hard & when you put all those things on the shoulders of one person there are days when you will question your decisions & abilities. If any of this sounds like you, then please "friend" me!