Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rainbows, fish, marshmallows & dirty little toes...

Rainbows, fish, marshmallows, dirty little toes, & priceless moments that is what my weekend consisted of. Breathtaking to be able to sit back and take it all in. For many of you reading this, you have no idea how hard these past few months have been for me. Many people know that Jason & I have an enormous struggle trying to get pregnant, took us nearly 6 years with Karly-miscarriages, hormone shots, too many dr to name & enough tears to fill an ocean- God finally gave us this very special little gift. I would go through every painful day all over again for the same outcome. (but I was really hoping that I wouldn't have to!)
Psalm 30:5 "The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter" (The Message)

Jason and I would like one more (me probably a little more than Jason, but who's counting!) Like all people who can't get preg, we don't even say the "b" word in our house (birth-control!) I had this moment where it hit me, we are in the same cycle, its been nearly 3 years and I am still not pregnant. Really God? really?! For many years now my heart has ached for adoption but before Karly, I had this desire to have "my own", yes it may sound selfish but I knew I had to. But this time was different. One day my heart just opened & as much as I had wanted to get pregnant with Karly, I wanted to adopt a child. I felt as though I could already picture this baby. After about a month of praying about it & researching I decided that it might be a good idea to talk to my husband about this! LOL. So as I begin to tell him that I thought we needed to talk I had something on my mind, he says "I already know, it's baby talk isn't it?" He knew exactly what I was saying without saying a word. We both agreed it was time. Only to find out a couple weeks later that this yearning in our heart was about to be squandered on; that not only can we not adopt but our file will not even be considered (thanks to Jason's past). I was angry, saddened, how could this be? We are a healthy, great family with so much love! I soon found myself at a far too familiar place of questioning God & questioning myself.

"We're not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us; we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be" --CS Lewis

Jason came home from work on Thurs & said lets cancel all our plans & take a weekend away. PURE BLISS rang through my head! I could not have said it better myself. I needed time to think & to get over myself. I threw clothes together, fought with a crabby toddler & in the car we went!

There is nothing I love more than solitude, when it comes just at the right time. I was able to sit back & watch; see all that God has given me. I somehow managed to fall deeper in love with this life God has blessed me with. A man that truly, deeply wants to be the greatest father & husband to me. A daughter who embraces life as God intended us to, never missing a chance to smell a flower or dance just cause it makes her happy. Most of the weekend I sat back & watched as my heavenly father reminded me of how much He loves me. I am reminded to cherish every moment we have, the small moments like watching your baby catch her 1st fish, or the surprise on my husbands face while catching a catfish, sitting together and roasting marshmallows- these are the days! I am so grateful for the time I had this weekend to love on my family & let God love on me. As we were driving out of town to come back home we saw a mama & baby deer with thrilled Karly to no end, and then Jason said hurry look, and there was a small but bright little rainbow in the sky. Some might say, oh its a coincidence but I knew that was placed there especially for me- God never ever breaks a promise!
Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you & not to harm you, plans to give you hope & a future."

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Starbucks Creeper...

For those of you that have not heard my story, I have the creepiest story to tell! Ok, as most of you know Jason & I have a date night every Thursday night. A few weeks ago we decided to go see the movie Inception (which I HIGHLY recommend). If you have seen the movie you will understand how this ties in with what I am about to tell you. That night I had a dream & in my dream I was at my husbands office and he was training these two guys. I walked in and the one of them thought he knew me but we could not figure out how he knew me... woke up from the dream and didn't really think anything about it. That following morning my mom & I were out running errands together and as usual made a Starbucks stop. God knows I cannot live without my coffee fix! I walked in and went into a moment of panic. One of the guys that was in my dream was sitting in a chair to the left of me! OMG! My mom said, "LeAnn what is wrong with you?" I begin to tell her that, that guy was in my dream. She says "oh you know him?" "No!, I replied never seen him in my life until in my dream last night!" We went on with the rest of the day still not able to get him out of my head. A few days later I am in the car with my sister (Kelly) and I look over & there he is again! AHHHH! I begin to tell her the story, & now she is starting to freak out. Since then I have seen this man a total of 5 times. I now call him my 'starbuck's creeper'. Every time I see him I get more & more creeped out. Do I talk to him, is he stalking me, & why the heck was he in my dream. A good friend of mine tells me, "you need to pray for him" ha! Pray for him, how about pray for me?! Since he might be my attacker! LOL. So if anyone out there knows about dream analysis, could you please help a girl out? Until then I think I am going to start carrying mace, just in case!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Joyce!

Last Sunday we took Jason's mom to the Missouri Botanical Gardens. It was a great time! And I still cannot believe it but it was Joyce's 1st time ever to go there. I think that she enjoyed her time there, but we will have to go again once the weather cools off!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

So Long Elephant Poop!

So, since my baby girl has been born she has been haunted with a weak digestive system, from the day she was born we struggled with breast milk, formula, reg milk, soy, rice, you name it I've tried it! WARNING:(this might be TMI for some!) Well along the way my baby has what we, in our house call, "Elephant Poop"- the largest human poop I have EVER seen. The length of my hand & the width of a baseball, no, I am not at all exaggerating & I have many friends that have seen it-- YUCK! To make a long story short, I took away all dairy, started on prune juice, apple juice, extra fiber, anything that might make this easier on her, all to get the same results. Called our most fabulous pediatrician & we started on a lot of Miralax, worked for a couple days then back to the same old "Elephant Poop". I was feeling helpless for my baby. Did I mention how stubborn my child is? When she thinks something will hurt her, she is NOT gonna do it! So she was able to hold "it" in for 6-10 days at a time all to end up screaming & nearly passed out after passing the beast! So, another call to the doctor, thank God she loves us, to start blood work on her thyroid & celiac. Me being the research junkie that I am (come on I have a degree in it! Give me a break) I start reading all the info I can on these 2 possibilities: and sure enough celiac, my child has every symptom, shoot, I have every symptom & it is hereditary! Blood work for the thyroid came back & it is beautiful. In the mean time I have self diagnosed her & decided to put her on a gluten free diet... waa-lahh, poop! Daily, perfect, regular poop! Never did I think I could be so happy to see poop! She is happier & not complaining that her belly hurts. She is now eating the house down, the gluten free house that is! So regardless of those celiac results, this house is from now on gluten free! I am on a reading frenzy for info & recipes. Wow- I am so thrilled & elated to have found a solution to "Elephant Poops"! Any of you out there that know much about this or have recipes... post them PLEASE!!!