Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I think all of us can get in seasons of life where we are going nonstop! Somedays its as if I hear the gun-shot, "READY, SET, BOOM!" And I am off to the daily races: breakfast, get dressed, hope I have enough time to shower that day, child dressed, hope she brushed her teeth cause I don't have time, let the dog out, feed the cat, view the dishes that I chose not to clean the night before, permission slips, books orders, emails, lunch, drop offs, clean the house like a mad woman, throw some laundry in & try to remember to put it in the dryer so the clothes don't stink!, meetings, people to call, email, forget sending a card in the mail, just text!, groceries, what's for dinner, bed times, baths, ironing, & then of course hubby wants some 'cuddle time' & somehow in that day I need to make time to spend some quiet time. I don't know about you but some days I just feel like I have nothing left at the end of the day.

 Infact life was getting so out of control, yesterday at 7am when my gunshot went off, I decided I couldn't do it. I called everyone I was suppose to see & meet with, canceled Karly's lessons & decided that I was going to take a time out.

Sometimes my daughter can be in the worst mood, having a bad attitude or throwing a fit so I send her to her room for 4 minutes & it is amazing how in the 4 minutes something clicks and she comes out a different kid, happy & ready to play. I was in that mode, stressed, throwing a fit, discouraged and taking it out on everyone.

I have found that there are 2 kinds of people in this world; ones who are energized by being around others, and ones who are drained by being around others. I am the second, incase you didn't know. For me to energize I need time alone, the complete opposite of my husband. We are constantly trying to find the right balance. I love people & love my friends but I also have to have me time. Needless to say we had been going nonstop & I was running out of fumes. I had no more words left in me. So yesterday Karly & I stayed in our Pj's all day, played games, snuggled on the couch... it was the best day. My favorite was when I told Karly that we were staying home all day she went screaming WOOOHOOO! through the entire house. She is my little homebody & I forget that she needs time to refresh too. A much needed timeout from life. Too often to we caught up in busyness & we forget to take timeouts. I want to have time in my day to take a timeout with my kids, to hear about their days. I want to have timeout with my husband to reconnect, timeout with my friends so that I can be the friend they need me to be. I don't want to be so rushed & busy that I can't stop for the things that matter most.

One day Jesus took a timeout for a man named Zaccheaus. His timeout redirected His entire day. Instead of being with the crowd, he took a timeout to have tea with a sinner. Oh I love this about Jesus!

Its not always convenient to take a time out, but it is necessary! So before that gunshot blast off again tomorrow morning, take a timeout sometime today, take it alone, take it with your child, take it with your husband, or your best friend, or your mother, just take time to stop the busyness & remember what is really important in your life. The laundry will be there tomorrow, I promise!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Come be foundation free with me!

Do you ever feel like this?

Ok who is tired of seeing my face?
well too bad :) I've got more to share! The first week of August I started a new line of skincare, Rodan & Fields. If you hadn't read my previous blogs, let me catch you up to date! I grew up loving the sun, tanning bed, self tanners... I didn't care about the method I just wanted to look like I was glowing. Glowing at 18 is pretty, but that glow transformed into ugly monsters called: lots of freckles, sunspots & uneven skin. So I started the pile method-- pile on the foundation, concealer, bronzer, powder... just keep piling until you could not see them :) Some people have told me that they never noticed my leopard spots, you have never seen my face bare! Like most women the older I have gotten the less satisfied I am with my skin. Honestly I didn't know how bad it was until I started seeing the results of this product.

Week 1: My forehead was my biggest problem area.

Week 2:

Week 3:

Week 4:

The proof is in the pictures. NO make up & NO touch ups! I have had dramatic results (& so can you). Which is why I share all theses embarrassing photos :) 

The beginning...


Rodan & Fields has 4 lines, I am currently on REVERSE. It is a 2 month regiments which means I still have 4 more weeks of results! I just love this stuff! I can tell a difference in my overall skin not just my sunspots. Skin is often not something us ladies like to talk about, we like to spackle ourselves & pretend we rolled out of bed with that gorgeous skin :) Well my friends it is time to get real & help a girl out! I'm just a girl who would like to go to the grocery store without feeling like I need to put on 'my pile' & now thanks to Rodan & Fields I can do that! I think one of the best things about this product is they believe so much in their products that if you use them & don't like them they offer a money back guarantee! HELLO, who else does this?! You have nothing to lose. Just order it & start getting your NATURAL glow back! 

If anyone is interested you are welcome to message me, I have tons more info & pictures I can share and I can put you in the right hands! What girl doesn't want to feel confident in their own skin?!

I add this picture because this is the first time in I cannot tell you how long that I went out completely makeup free! 

So come be foundation free with me!

want more info :

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

What's your speed?

Has someone ever asked you to do something that you felt was way outside of your personality, outside of your comfort zone, outside of any characteristics... you have? Yeah?! me too.

I have grown up in church, I have always believed in God & could quote scriptures since I was a wee one; from a Christian home, private school, to Missonettes & church camp I grew up with no doubt of God. I have always believed. Fast forward many years, I met a man who led a youth ministry. Let me seg-way by saying I wanted nothing to do with marring a Pastor of any kind. Pastoring was not 'my thing'. My idea of a Pastor's Wife was very tainted & well I just didn't like the thought of it AT ALL. After me throwing fits to God about why He would give me a husband who was a pastor & a YOUTH pastor?! I mean seriously, who really likes teenagers?! UGH. I was appalled with God's choice. I eventually got over myself & realized I had to give it my all or get out. Slowly and I do mean slowly I started seeing why He loved youth ministry so much.

Dare 2 Share was an event we did ever year. We had signed up our largest group ever. Pumping music, heart wrenching dramas, impacting media. Then came, (as they say in church lingo), "the altar call". There I was, a youth leader, heck! the youth pastor's wife. I had lived this Christian life, but I only believed. It never dawned on me til tonight that it is a 2 part process: believe & receive. See for years I believed in God but I never received His love. It was all about what I needed to do for Him, I never let Him do for me. There I was in a room of thousands of teenagers & youth leaders. My heart nearly pounding out of my chest. Humility is an understatement. When this time comes the speaker always says "every eye closed & head bowed..." but our lead team had a pack to always be watching for students hands so you knew who needed some extra attention... I knew not only would my husband see me, but so would the rest of our youth team. I was suppose to be the leader. But I swallowed my pride & I went for it. I raised my hand to accept Christ, just like my students. My life forever changed. It was in that moment that I understood love. That very night unfolded before me a plan. I thought I would change the lives of students but really they changed me.

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I heart D2S! That plan I mentioned, God did not forget it & neither did I. I have tried many many times to push it away, to make excuses, to run, but every time God pulls me back. God has given me a task that in my mind is so overwhelming, unconceivable, not suitable for this introverted quiet girl. When I start using these excuses God reminds me "If I used your strengths, than you would doubt mine." Did you forget those bible stories: Moses & his speech impediment, Rahab was a prostitute, Abraham's lack of faith, Gideon & his army... I know that I cannot do this without Him.

I think we all have a mission. Maybe it is simple. like speaking a kind word; maybe it is huge and you should pack your bags for Africa (don't worry mom, I'm not going to Africa, at least not yet anyway) ;)
Whatever it is quit measuring yourself by your standards, but see yourself as God sees you.

As a mom, when I look at my daughter I truly believe that she could become anything, and how much more must God see in His children. Just as God has told me, get off your butt & start opening that mouth I gave you. He is telling you something too!  It has taken me 5 years to finally surrender my plans completely to Him & honestly I am scared to death! God is calling me to speak into the lives of other woman. I know it will be baby steps for me. Honestly, Women's Ministry is the second to last place I would choose for myself, right there next to youth ministry :) but tonight God reminded me that I need to lift my limits. We do not walk around with speed limits on our heads, 35 mph, 55 mph... Yet somehow I have set a limit on my life as too how much I'm willing to do for God's kingdom & He is screaming at me "HIT THE GAS!!! & GIVE ME THE WHEEL!!!" So I am challenging myself to lift the limits, and I challenge you to do that same, don't neglect the gift God has given you, you are worth investing in and others are waiting to benefit from it. SO LETS FLOOR IT!

PS: my husband will be so ecstatic that I just used car lingo analogies! LOL. Glad I could make your proud honey! :P