Monday, March 23, 2015

Writing My Story

I know that I have been a major slacker when it comes to blogging. (booo me!) Somehow adding an extra little person in my life seems to distract me from my blog ;) Most of you have probably noticed I recently decided to take a risk, a big risk for me (my little non risk taker self). The last time I took a risk I married this boy I met, after dating him for 2 weeks, 13 yrs later it seems to have paid off. So i thought it was time for another risk.  lol!

I realize that if you follow me on FB or instagram you probably think I have this little fairytale life (social media is so 1 dimensional)
You don't always see the meltdowns in the middle of the store, the girls pulling each other's hair (oh wait that's just Meredith who does that ;), the times where it looks like a bomb hit my house, the nights I can't fall asleep thinking of how I could have been a better mom/wife that day, or the grief that sweet boy I married can give me (sometimes)...

Truth is:

This past year was one of the hardest years we have ever been through; had it not been for incredible friends & family, I'm not sure where we would be right now. We learned a hard lesson-- never put all your eggs in one basket & that if you are working for someone else your income is never secure. As of October we knew that Jason was going to need a new job and fast! Our bills were piling up quicker that we could pay them since he was not being compensated for his work with his precious employer.  We buckled down where we could, cut every 'extra' out of our lifestyle, but it was going to take time for him to build up his new business. I felt so helpless in all of this. Yes, I have a degree & could go back to work but it has never made sense for me to do that since my entire income would end up paying for childcare. And for me, the thought of someone else doing what  I am passionate about made me sick to even think about.

Fast Forward 6 months...
we are in a much better financial position. God has provided in ways that would blow your socks off, and now we are seeing His blessings in SO many ways. Jason's business is booming & he loves his job, like he never has before.

BUT in the back of my mind I still wanted to be able to help my family financially without having to sacrifice time with my girls. I had a friend give me this thing called "GREENS" it was 8+ servings of fruits, veggies & 38 herbs & nutrient rich foods, and it tasted like berries! It was so good. I wanted more. I kept seeing my friends post things about this health & wellness company but all I really wanted was more greens.
 I was getting ready to order and a friend suggested that I sell this stuff. If you know me, you know,  I cannot sell ANYTHING.  It is just not in my make up.  Honestly, sweet thought but I really didn't think I could sell, but she told me that it would sell itself. Wasn't that the reason I was ordering...?

After a lot of thought & chatting it over with my sweet boy, I decided to go for it, it was a way for me to contribute to my family & not sacrifice any time with the girls. Isn't that what I had wanted all along?! In my mind I set a goal to be able to pay for my oldest daughter's private school tuition. Her school was a budget item that I am not willing to cut, but its also a monthly sacrifice. So I decided if I could make enough money to cover her tuition I was ALL IN.
I've been doing this thing for not even 30 days and I am well on my way to achieving my goal! Not only am I reaching my goal financially but I have an incredible circle of strong encouraging woman that have my back.

I truly do love theses products, but even more so I love what this business can do for my family & families like mine. I'm all about getting healthy but I'm passionate families getting to spend time together.

I know that everyone's story is different but this is mine, and I also know there are a lot of families out there that could really use an extra $500+  a month, if that is you, don't wait, don't be shy... msg me, let me help you write your own story. For me it was my daughter's tuition, maybe yours it's a full tank of gas, groceries, a new car, college, student loans, a new house. Everyday I am watching lives change, its not a gimmick! I'm not writing this because I'm trying to make some sales quota ( I don't have quotas to make) I'm writing this because I know what it is like to be holding your last $20 and not know where the next dollar is coming from, to not know how your kids are getting to school cause your car in on 'E", or maybe you just want job security & your are tired of working for the boss!  Forget the risk, take a baby step & lets chat!