Thursday, May 9, 2013


So I'm a little behind on my baby countdown. whoops! So backing up a little bit...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

My Man.

So today happens to be one of my favorite days of the year. May 7th is my husband's birthday. Not only do I love my husband but I love birthday's! Anyone who knows my husband knows what an incredible man he is, and I feel so blessed that I know the deeper sides of him. He truly is a blessing in my life.

This has been a very challenging year- we have lots of changes, shocking moments, lots of tears, lots of hugs, brokenness and laughter, and no matter what we face we always come out on top.

So this one is for you! Here are just a few reasons I love you:

I love the way you look at me.

I love watching you rap & dance with our little girl.

I love your curiosity.

I love that you think I am funny.

Thank you for telling me I'm beautiful when my pregnant belly is growing & pretty is the last thing I feel.

I love your ability to make anything fun.

I love your strength & integrity.

I love that you have the courage to change.

I love watching you learn to love family time & create traditions.

I love how hard you work for our family.

You are the smartest man I have ever met.

You never give up on me.

I love that you give me the comfy seat on the couch.

I love that you challenge me to be better every day.

I love hearing you pray over us every night.

I love watching you seek God in every decision you make.

I love listening to the beat of your heart.

I love how high you set the bar for our girls, they will always know what a 'real' man looks like.

I love that you still open my door.

I love being your wife.

There are so many reasons I love you & love to celebrate you. You enhance every ounce of my world, and I am blessed everyday to get to share life with you. I don't take our time together or who you are for granted.

Our song of the year

Happy Birthday!