Monday, August 27, 2012

1st day of PreSchool = Hot Mess Mama

Questions with Karly:

  1. What is your favorite color? Green
  2. What is your favorite toy? My new doll
  3. What is your favorite movie/ TV show? The American Girl Mc Kenna Movie & Doc McStuffin
  4. What is your favorite food? Mac n Cheese
  5. What do you like to wear? my new dress I got this weekend
  6. What is your favorite thing to play? Gymnastics with the kitty
  7. What is your favorite activity? painting
  8. What is your favorite animal? my kitty & my stuffed dog I got when I got my ears pierced
  9. What is your favorite song? "That is hard." "Single Ladies" & Laurie Burkner "pig on my head"
  10. Who is your best friend? Levi & Rosie (you know the little chocolate girl in my gymnastics. We decided today that we were best friends)
  11. What do you like to do outside? Go to the park
  12. What is your favorite drink? Fruit Punch
  13. What is your favorite holiday? Mother's Day & Valentines Day (I just like to show people I love them)
  14. What do you like to sleep with? My blankee & bear & clifford
  15. What do you want to be when you grow up? An Artist
  16. What is your favorite thing about your sister? She plays with me
  17. What do you love about yourself? I love that I love everyone & my blonde hair
  18. What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy? Get snow cones!
  19. What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy? Go to the park
  20. What makes you feel happy? When my sister hugs me & when everyone I love is together in one place
  21. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go? To Disney & then to Oklahoma to see Hannah
  22. What are you scared of? Bad dreams
  23. What do you like most about your family? Our hugs
  24. What is your favorite book? Pete the Cat
  25. What makes you sad? when I get hurt
  26. If you could be anyone famous who would you be? Gabby from the Olympics
Wow! What a big day this was in the Courtney household! Our baby is in preschool & our big girl is in college. Woah, that is almost too much for this mama to handle! I learned some huge lessons today. I was so excited back in 2002 that I would never have another 1st day of school again. Don't get me wrong, I love school, I always have. I'm a nerd like that, but as long as I can remember I have hated the 1st day! If you knew me as a child, you really understand my level of hate. I went kicking & screaming, literally. In first grade my parents had to take me in my PJ's because I was throwing such a fit. And now if you know me as an adult one of the hardest things for me is meeting new people, prolly is carried over from my childhood! lol. Well last night about 2am as I was staring at my bedroom walls... it took me back to all my 1st days & here I was again, but this time as the mom. Wow, no one ever told me that 1st days are wayyy harder as the mom. (My poor Mother, I don't know how she held it together!) It is the most complicated emotion- feeling so proud of this little person, watching her grow & develop into her own self. Knowing without a doubt she is ready. Yet also feeling grief that another stage of motherhood coming to a close. When you hold that newborn baby, school seems so far away; Yet now school is here & holding my little 6 lb baby feels like just yesterday. 

I was having my teeth cleaned the other day & my hygienist got huge tears in her eyes as she told me she just dropped off her baby at college. She told me " It is all about the mom, the kid totally doesn't get it! But you work so hard to raise a son/daughter you are proud of & in just minutes you have to leave them to figure out life for themselves..." That only reassured me that I will be a hot-mess for a long time to come.

 Karly was overjoyed for this day! Seriously it could not come fast enough for her. For 3 days, 50 times a day she would ask, "is it Monday yet?" Today she popped out of bed like lightening & said "ITS MONDAY! I GET TO SCHOOL TODAY!" As she was overjoyed; I felt anything by joyful. I did not sleep a wink the night before trying to figure out how I felt about this new situation. In 4 yrs of being a mom I have never left Karly but for kids church and with grandma's & Aunts. I have always said, I want to be the one raising my child. I don't want her spending more time with other people than with her family. It is a huge priority to me. So this day hit me a little hard today. I was all good until 2 am when all the worries & concerns start flooding my head: what if other kids are mean to her, will she be the one to stand up for what is right, have I been 'good enough', will I regret giving this time up?, will her teachers challenge her, will she make friends...? Before I knew it the alarm was blaring & I had to face this dreaded day.  

She did it, like a pro & her teachers were amazing! I was proud of myself I held it together- no tears... I decided that I would reward myself with a Starbucks! I pulled into the parking lot & looked back to my empty carseat & the floodgates opened. I was suddenly a HOT MESS! I drove around Starbucks 3 times thinking I could pull myself together & go in. NOPE- didn't happened. I went home to cry in my own coffee. After about an hour I was fine, I got it together knowing this is best for her. 

At this point, some of you might be thinking that I sound kinda pathetic, well let me just remind you that I waited 6 years for this child. I don't have kid #2 & kid #3 to figure things out on, I have to get it right the 1st time. I know that she was a miracle, and I don't take that lightly. I know what it means to cherish my time with her. Not a day goes by that I am not reminded of the heartache I went through. I don't say that for anyone to feel sorry for me, but next time you see a mom that you might think is 'over the top' remember that you don't know the whole story.  That this might be the only child she gets to experience being a mom to & she might just want to savor every single moment of that blessing! (sorry for that mini rant)

I could not wait to pick her up & had the opportunity to watch her through the window before class was over. She was having the time of her life singing & dancing, participating (sitting right next to the teacher of course) but having a blast! My heart felt completely satisfied at that moment. Before she got out the door she said "Mom school is so fun. I got to sing, paint, recess & I'm in charge of the lights, I made 2 new friends & my teachers are the best. I got to do everything I love all in one day! I'm totally going back there!" One of my favorite things was she later told me, "Mom everyone already knew who I was. I must be special!" lol. (She didn't realize it was because she had her name on her shirt! ;) love it!!!

I promised her a fun lunch so we went to The American Girl Doll Cafe' & had lunch. SO FUN!!! If you have a daughter this is a must! And no, you do not need to spend $100+ for a doll (that is ridiculously stupid in my mind) they have an entire wall of dolls that can join you for lunch free of charge! My penny pincher tip: go to Target & buy an Our Generation Doll (they are virtually the same thing for a 1/4 of the price! Then you can get an AG doll outfit without spending her college fund! lol!)

The song that kept playing in my head today "..All of my life in every season you are still God. I have a reason to sing, I have a reason to worship..." I'm entering a new season of life and the seed I have received, I will now sow. I know God is positioning me for great things to come & I know that this child is just one way of showing me how much He loves me even-though I still struggle with trusting Him completely! I cannot wait to see what this child becomes-- I may be bias but I am pretty sure God has extraordinary plans for this little miracle!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Miracle Cream (a.k.a Rodan & Fields)-- Week 2

About 2 weeks ago I threw out my Burt's Bee, Clinique, Neutrogena, Cetaphil, Olay, Frutise, Clarasonic (ok everything under my bathroom skin).... 
Goal: to rid myself of my leopard spots a.k.a sunspots. 

As some of you know I have tried EVERYTHING on the market to get rid of my sunspots, from Walgrees & Clinique to Ulta & Sephora... no one seemed to have a solution, they all just wanted to give me something to cover them up. If you know anything about sunspots you know that covering them just makes you look dirty. ewww! So Aug 1st I started with a new line of skincare that I was very skeptical about, Rodan & Fields. to my surprise within a few days I could tell a difference in my skin, its only been 2 weeks now & I cannot even tell you how much better my skin is looking, my spots, my pours, my wisdom lines (ok they are wrinkles!)

I am known to talk a lot about things I believe in, well, my friends this is one of them! Here are my pictures to prove it!

The photos have not been touched up & I am not wearing makeup. 
They ought to tell you this stuff is a miracle cream. I have done nothing but follow their routine. Forget the sunspots, look at the wrinkles alone- HELLO! It is actually healing my skin. I seriously sit in the mirror staring like they are going to pop back out on me! LOL.
Day 1

Day 14
Day 1

Day 14
Day 1
Day 14
(I have a little bit of makeup on in all of these photos, but I used the same products in day 1 as I did 2 weeks later & what a difference in my overall skin. )

The regiment I am on last 2 months I cannot wait to see what my skin looks like in 2 months considering this is just 2 weeks!!! I actually had my starbucks girl ask me the other day what I was using on my skin because she noticed such a difference (she is one of the few people that actually sees me often without make up) ;) what a testament of a good product! I use to be a salve to my concealer & tinted moisturizer and now everyday I am wearing less & less make up. I'm not as self conscious about my spots & feel good being 'all me'! My favorite part, I am a photo junkie & for the first time in my life I do not have to touch up my skin in pictures, it looks that good on its own :) For a girl who loves pictures that is a big deal :D 

I am not trying to sell anyone anything, in fact I don't sell it at all. I just know people who do & that is the only way to get your hands on this miracle cream! :) I know I looked for anything & everything which is why I am sharing all these unattractive photos... if it can do for you what it has done for me I'm happy to embarrass myself a little bit ;) Rodan & Fields has multiple lines that deal with real issues: anti aging (who doesn't want that?!), reverse (which is what I am on for my spots), unblemish for acne & soothe (sensitive skin, rosacea...) & tons of other amazing products too.

If you are at all interested let me know! My sister is having a party at her house in a couple weeks & I can bring friends :) You can try some samples, get some good deals & learn what all these products can do for you. 

Crockpot Baja Pork Tacos

not oh so long ago I fell in love with this Mexican restaurant downtown. They have these tacos that in my opinion are to die for. I can devour them like non other! It was love at 1st bite. Since then I have been trying to find a recipe similar... my quest is over! I made these tonight & I have to say they are nearly identical to my most favorite tacos & SOOO easy! Who isn't looking for a tasty easy recipe?!

Crockpot Baja Pork Tacos:
1 boneless pork tenderloin
4-5 Can's of chopped chilies
1 can rotel (cilantro & lime is my preference)
1 packet taco seasoning
1 Tbs ground cumin
1 Pkg Corn tortillas

Optional toppings:
shredded cheese
sour cream
pico de gallo

To get started plop the pork in the pot. Then pour the cans of chilies & rotel over the pork, sprinkle taco seasoning & cumin over pork. give it a stir. Turn it on low & let it cook for 10-12 hrs. After the 10-12 hours the pork just falls apart you don't even have to shred it. I just gave it a few stirs & it was perfect. That is it! Add whatever toppings you desire on a tortilla & it is perfection!

AHHHMAZING! It was so good. I cannot wait to eat my leftovers for lunch tomorrow :)

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Perfect Skin in 3 Days! UNBELIEVABLE Results!

OK I have some exciting news! No I'm not pregnant! lol!

Every girl has those things about their skin that they aren't thrilled with.  For me, I've always envied my friends with perfect porcelain skin. As a teen I was the girl slathering in baby oil  & I could not even pronounce the word sunscreen (it made me cringe). I tanned, I fake baked... you name it I have tried it. I am a sun addict! I love anything that has to do with being outside & getting some rays. I did not touch a bottle of sunscreen until I had my daughter & I still only put it on her (shame on me!) This was all fine & dandy as a teen, but now into my 30's it is not so hot! I am no longer tan, I am one huge freckle! The day I turned 30 I welcomed in sunspots. My cute freckles were now ugly huge (or at least huge to me) sunspots! (and they are never in the places that I would like them to be! UGH. I have become totally self conscious about them. I never leave the house without coverage. I have tried every product out there to get rid of them & nothing really worked! I have spent a fortune trying to undue the damage I caused my skin. I gave up getting rid of them & decided that I would cover them, however I only managed to look like a dirty leopard. So discouraging, I am a slave to my spots!

A few weeks ago my sister started telling me about a new skincare line skin care she was using & honestly, I dismissed it, knowing I have tried everything, nothing will help me. She asked me to come hear about it & I became a little more curious... to make a long story short I decided that I would be a guinea pig. I told her, if you can get rid of these spots then I am all in! HOLY COW!!! This stuff is no joke! I have been on the program for less than 1 week, did you hear me, ONE WEEK & check out these results:

3 DAYS PEOPLE! I have used the product 3 times & these are the results I am getting. I am on my way to perfect skin :) and no, the photos have not been touched, no make up, just clean skin!

 So I have a ways to go I'm only on day 3 but I am so excited that I had to share! I could not wait to tell. This skin care is like nothing else out there (trust me I have tried everything). Maybe sunspots aren't your issue, make it is wrinkles (that's my next issue!), or acne, or sensitive skin.... I promise you this stuff works. I have seen it first hand. This is my very own forehead you are looking at here!

So now you are wondering... what the heck is this stuff!? AMAZING, is what it is! And no, I'm not selling you anything (although I probably should) I am just a girl who doesn't leave the house without makeup because I am so self-conscious about my spots, but I feel so confident that before this month is over I will be foundation free! And that is good news my friend!

If you want to get your hands on this stuff here is the website:RODAN & FIELDS
Or if anyone has questions or wants to know how to get this stuff msg me, I can put you in the right hands...

Don't worry I will keep you all updated on my journey to clear beautiful skin! What girl doesn't want to feel gorgeous with or without makeup?!