Tuesday, September 17, 2013

This is what I know...

I know what it means to lose faith

I know what it means to be betrayed by one closest to you

I know what it feels like to be judged

I know that pain resides in patience

I know the fear of not knowing where your next check is coming from

I know what it means to only shop resale

I know what it feels like to question every decision

I know it can take years to build trust for it all to be destroyed in seconds

I know healing

I know I have faith

I know restoration is a process

I know who my real friends are

I know what unconditional love is

I know that material items mean nothing to me

I know that there is not always tomorrow

I know I will never have someone clean my house for me

I know I will never carry expensive purses or have expensive clothes

I know that my house may not be the cleanliest but it is one of the happiest

I know to not take anything for granted

I know if you think it can't happen to you, it will

I know I will cherish each day

I know who I am in Christ

I know that Target, Sonic & my best friend can cure anything

I know true happiness

I know the humility of asking for help

I know what faithfulness is

I know what my insecurities are

I know that seeing my daughter smile after school is one of my favorite moments everyday

I know middle of the night feedings are moments I'll never get back

I know hearing my husband put our daughter to bed is priceless

I know that in my husbands arms is my place of serenity

I know what it feels like to not fit in

I know at the end of everyday I am so thankful for the life I've been given. Not because I have lots of money- I don't. Not because I have the perfect children- I don't (but they are close ;). Not because I have the perfect marriage- I don't. Not because I have it all together_-I definitely don't! But because I love the journey God has chosen for me. Everyday may not be easy but everyday I become stronger.