Wednesday, March 30, 2011

We want spring!

So I'm back to feeling crafty :) Karly is such my little artsy bug. She LOVES to do anything that has anything to do with art. I stole this idea from another one of my sweet mommy friends (aka- thanks, Michelle Holman!) Almost everyday Karly gets out her watercolors- I always just let her do her own thing, well after seeing this idea, I thought to myself, I wonder what she could make with a little direction, ( I know that I am the mama,) but I have to say that I was pretty impressed! As you can tell from the design of my blog, I love birds. I have been fascinated with them for years now- I really want a live one, but Daddio says NO WAY, so for now I have to just hang fake ones... (bummer deal!) So this morning with a little direction & lots of time karly made this beauty to hang on my walls to welcome Spring into our home!
Ok so now I'm gonna brag- she picked all the colors herself. Before we started, I penciled out the design & then with directions to tell her what to paint first & reminders to stay in the lines, she made a really nice picture. After it was dry I went back & traced my pencil lines to help the colors pop-- she did pretty stinkin' good for a 3 yr old, if you ask me!

The creative juices weren't stopping there. I love all the big letter decor that I'm seeing in all the stores. So I found some cardboard & I had left over fabric swatches & buttons & things, I gave her a bottle of glue & let her make her own "C". After she glued all the fabric I went back & added some buttons & little embellishments here & there. 

The finished creative wall... (sorry bad lighting but you get the picture)

This was a successful morning in my house & she is very proud to have her artwork on the walls. I always hang them on the window or in her room, but she was so excited when I told her that this one was going in a frame- her confidence went through the roof! Thanks mommy friends for keeping me inspired, oh but did I mention she told me she could paint enough to cover the hallway wall if I'd like for her to.... uh-oh, I'm in trouble!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The 1st sign of happy tears

Granted I am an over the top mom. I absolutely love being a mom & a wife. I think it is what I was created for. In my 3 years of mothering I had had many great moments, moments I treasure, but today was by far my favorite day of being a mom. I pray to God that this day will forever be embedded in my memory. What happened you ask?  We had planned a fun day for St. Patty's Day, but that is the norm for me when it comes to holidays. I make huge deals out of every holiday. It is a gorgeous day, and my house is trashed I have so much work that needs to get done-- I decided to throw it all out today. I was going to play, & play until we couldn't play no more. SO on a last minute whim I loaded Rover (the car) with toys, any outdoor play I could think of, packed lunches & took off to the park. We had our lunch & took a walk. Then I decided to pull out a kite that I bought years ago-- and it was like Magic. I have never had so much fun. We ran, laughed & played SO hard. We both ended up covered in mud & did not care a bit. It was a total blast. I love this kid so much & her perspective of life, I pray she never looses it. She is grateful for everything and doesn't take anything for granted. I am not sure how a 3 year old can be so wise, but I learn so much from her. After about 3 hours of playing, she says "Mom I think I have to stop my legs are so tired". So we cleaned up best we could-- thank God I keep wipes in my car at all times! Then on the way home out of my rear-view mirror, I saw her pucker up & I asked what was wrong. She reply "Mommy I have so much fun with you it makes me cry but I am not sad!" I swear this child is my angel. SO then we were both crying & laughing! I cannot wait to see what she is going to become in life to already have such a beautiful heart.

Thank you God for choosing me to be her mother! Yes, I waited a long time for her, but I would have waited 3 times that long if I would have known how incredible she would be. I've had people say to me, she's so lucky but the truth of the matter is we are lucky.
Enjoying her rainbow cupcake!

Monday, March 7, 2011


 I have been having such a good time with my little Miss. After a week of crazy colors & puddles in my kitchen, she thoroughly knows the color of the rainbow & what colors you have to mix together to get Secondary colors.

I found this great idea of ice cube fishing!
The night before I took a ice cube try & colors me some cubes... when the cubes dissolve in the water- waahh-laahh! NEW COLORS. OK so this is seriously like her fav thing to do now. Once the color cubes dissolve she gets "plain" ones  & she finds her bath toys & Ariel swims in a swamp :) Seriously kept her playing for an hour-- at this age, playing is learning so I am all about it!

We also decided to "Poof paint". In a house of girls we have bath poofs all around this house. It was pretty fun! 

We did some more water play with 3 jars of primary colors & I gave her 3 empty jars & she got to mix her heart away. This is when the whole mixing colors to get other colors really clicked for her. 

You know at the end of the day there is nothing I love more than watching her wheels turn. I just wish I could bottle up this time I have with her. I feel like it is slipping through my fingers. As I put her the bed the other night I looked down and no longer saw a baby, she is such a little girl now. I am proud of my 3 year old & I pray to God that I am always this proud. I have recently started reading the book, "Bringing Up Girls", wow is it opening my eyes, it seriously makes me want to keep her in a bubble for the rest of my life. You know, I was never the "cool" kid growing up, never had a ton of friends, my parents censored what I could watch & listen to... I look back & thank God that I had parents who cared enough to shelter me. So my parent-friends out there who, you are no longer cool, you are stupid & don't know anything-- I commend you, you are doing your job! One day they will thank you, (they maybe 30 but hey it will happen!) LOL!

Ok sorry had a little sentimental moment there...

We got our official shamrocks in the mail & planted them! Come on Clovers!

Oh & this was a huge hit!! The $1 store has these cute shamrocks, I bought a ton of them knowing that I would find something they would be good for...

We finished up the week with the letter P: Pepperoni Pizza Picnic in the Park

Love when we get a warm day to play outside!