Monday, July 9, 2012


It is official that I should be fired from blog world! Thank God you all are so forgiving of my flightiness (is that really a word?) I have sat down & started SO many blogs but I have not had the time to finish any of them.  BUT I can tell you that I've got some good stuff in the works! LOL. Ever have those times in life when you feel like you just cannot catch your breathe because there is so much going on? ok I know everyone has those days. I have been having this issue for months now-- 

Here is our summer recap so far:

 Noelle graduated high school (anyone with a grad knows this means, you the parent has no life during this time) yay Noelle! You are officially a college girl! :) 
She is a working fool, making the big bucks!

Karly has done two VBS's & loved them throughly. Which also sent us on an unexpected endeavor to find a preschool for her (I know I was totally against sending her but well lets just say we are going to try it out, part-time, I still think she can learn way more at home, but she is her father's child & loves the social aspect). Karly also tried a gymnastics summer camp- it was a total nightmare, 5 hrs a day is just too long! She reminds me daily "mom, I am never going to camp again!" lol. lesson learned!  She is officially a swimmer-- retired the floaties & is an underwater swimming fishie. She is also taking piano, gymnastics & swim lessons. Gymnastics is by far her most favorite thing!

My husband somehow tricked me into rehabbing houses with him again-- man I am a sucker for a good flip! I'm pretty sure I just designed my dream house in this last one. We are visiting every church in the st.louis area or so it seems, looking for that perfect fit for our family. It is a blessing & a curse to live in a city where there are great churches on every corner.  We also have been dealing with some legal junk, apparently people think they don't have to pay their bills. (STRESSFUL! What the heck is wrong with people these days. I am about ready to follow Jesse James & tattoo "Pay up Sucker" on my hands!) Lets just say this has been a busy summer so far! Many days I could not survive without the help of my mother- Thank God for Moms, always there to lend a helping hand, cook a meal, clean a toilet! 

So if you are wondering what happened to me...? There it is in a nutshell! :)

Don't you think that would be flattering on me?! LOL