Friday, July 26, 2013

I love my MILKIES!

OK so every nursing new mom need to run out & buy MILKIES!

While I was pregnant I came across these & now it is my new best friend . I was super skeptical (and thought it was a little pricy for a piece of plastic) but I had such a hard time breastfeeding my first child that I was willing to try anything this time around- I was determined to breastfeed this little one.  Let me just tell you how cool this is- while you are feeding on one side you put the "milkie" in the other side & it catches all the "leakage". The first time I used it I was not expecting anything actually planning in my mind to return it... but I went on & gave it a try, pulled it off & OMG! The thing was almost full. In two days I was able to freeze a tray of breastmilk from my "leakage". Milk that would have been absorbed in clothing & pads can now be saved for my baby to eat. GENIUS, I tell ya! Any nursing mom knows how many hours & hard work goes into breastfeeding, any way I can save I'm all for it!

My collection from day #1
 sorry if this grosses some of you out. I am just beyond amazed but this little invention.

PS: I got mine from cotton babies (around $30) or you can order from their website

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My birthing story... Welcome Baby Meredith

I cannot believe that a week ago Jason & I were checking into the hospital. Time really does go fast when you have no idea what day it is & you often have to look outside to see if its day or night. LOL.  Baby Meredith made quite an entrance into this world, and she wanted everyone to know she was coming.

After many text between me & my doc, Jason & I headed to the hospital thinking that my water broke. See, I'm not one of these lucky ladies that has a movie moment of "My water broke", and it gushes everywhere. Everyone says when your water breaks, you WILL know it-- not true for me. Headed to the hospital at 8am, taking our good old time knowing that even if my water is broke it was gonna be a long day. At the hospital they started checking me and running test to see what was going on. The house doctor was convinced that my water did not break (I was convienced it had, and didn't trust any of these test. I'm a little stubborn. or maybe I just refuse to except the fact that I pee'd on myself for the millionth time!) In my mind I knew it was time, I knew that baby was ready to come. Just that sixth sense you get as a mom. I thought they were going to send me home and I was not happy about that at all! I was a few days from 39 weeks, I had everything packed & in the car, had a babysitter for Karly, Jason had taken off-- this was PRIME time! Thank God for my amazing OB, who after all the testing suggested that they check the fluids around the baby. Sure enough, baby was lacking fluids, she had 1/2 of what she should have had, they proceeded to tell me how dangerous this could be to the baby and I finally heard those magical words-- "You are staying & having this baby today!" YIPPPEEEEE. So although they tell me my water didn't break I am so glad I trusted in my mama instincts!

So they started me on cervidil, something I had never heard of but worked amazing for me! I wanted as little of medication as possible, but I also knew I had to get her out. They started the cervidil to soften the cervix in hopes that in 12 hrs I would be dialated 1-2cm. It was a long day in the hospital, lots of walking, talking... but I have to say I enjoyed having my husband captive for the day! They checked me 10 hrs later & I was dialated to 3cm. Leaving me with 2 options, breaking my water & seeing what happens or breaking my water & starting on pitocin. I had them break my water & give me a little time to see what happens, sure enough in no time I went from a 3 to a 7 and baby was a coming! Everything was happening so fast & these contractions were nothing like I had with Karly. I seriously thought I was going to die at one point. The pain was beyond. I kept telling Jason this is so much harder than it was with Karly. Jason says I handled it like a champ & was totally composed but I swear I was that woman on the movies that you can hear screaming down the hallway. In no time at all I told the nurse call my doctor baby is coming I can't hold her in. I don't think the nurse was convienced at the time & she continued to prep the room and get things ready. I know she thought I was being dramatic. She asked me if I was ready to push & called in the house dr. And then the drama started, I'm pushing and the Dr. & nurses are saying its gonna be a bald baby (not surprising to me, Karly was bald as could be) then all of a sudden this bald head poops on them! Uh, that is not a bald head that was a butt. Baby was breech & coming fast. I was about to deliver a breech baby vaginally with no medication- SAY WHAT?!!! There is still some argument as to weather the dr missed this in my ultrasound that morning or if she had flipped at the last min. I have to say i agree with her pediatrician that the house dr missed that she was breech, cause its been a week & the girl still has her legs up in the air! lol. I was completely in the dark that she was breech, they did not want me to know. I am so glad now that I didn't know the risk involved in vaginally delivering a breech baby. The Dr got in my face & said whatever you do, DO NOT stop pushing til I tell you. I had nurses holding my legs, I see Jason doing everything in his power to hold his composure. I was giving every ounce I had & I will say this was by far the hardest most painful minutes of my life. What I didn't know is if I took a breath my vagina could close on her neck, she could end up with spinal damage, break her neck... It was about this time I saw my Dr come in & even though I was in crazy pain I had peace knowing she was there. She is the calmest person ever & just makes you feel better by being around her. I was able to keep pushing and finally there she came at 2:49am 7lbs 4oz and 20.5 inches long, my beautiful little girl. Completely healthy, bright eyed, with a headful of hair. I looked around and I think every nurse & doctor on the maternity floor was in my room-- for some I was a learning experience because babies are not allowed to be delivered like that anymore & I am so thankful for an experienced house Dr that knew what she was doing, and an incredible husband who did not let me give up.

Little Meredith is an absolute miracle. We knew as soon as she was delivered that she would be jaundice. She was black & blue from the waste down from hitting my pelvic bone every time I pushed. I was prepared for it. When I had Karly she had to be hospitalized for her levels of jaundice (but for different reason) so I knew what I was doing this time around. We are getting her all healthy & the girl is eating like a horse, but it kills me not to be able to sit & snuggle with her for hours on end. I know there are many many worse things that could be & I am so grateful that after all the drama this is the only thing we are dealing with.

Our family now feels very complete. Karly is so in love with her. My favorite is when Meredith is crying Karly will sing to her & in seconds the crying stops. Its that sister thing that no words can explain. I can't imagine our lives without this little bundle of joy.  I feel so blessed and thankful God chose to give me these precious girls.