Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Month of Thanks: A hard working man...

Day 21:

I am so thankful for a husband who works incredibly hard so that I can stay home with our daughter. It has been a sacrifice and is not always easy, but I love this opportunity. I treasure these moments with my little one. Days full of quality time & making memories are priceless! I would not trade it for any amount of money in this world! Thank you honey for making my dreams a reality!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A Month of Thanks: My Soul Sister

Day 20:

Today I am thankful for lifelong, steady, faithful friends. You know the ones who you could see everyday, or you could go for years without seeing each other; but when you get to meet you pick up where you left off.  I am blessed to have a couple of these friends, but there is one that is my 'soul sister'. We have known each other for a really really long time, not sure if it was junior high or my freshman year of high school but we became instant friends & still are amazing friends after almost 15 years! (man we are getting old! shhhhh. don't tell anyone!) We have lots of good giggly memories, heart felt stories, shared many parenting & beauty tips :) I am so thankful for our friendship, that can withstand bad boyfriends (mine, not her's!), hideous "Madrigal" dresses, different colleges, marriage, babies, job transfers & new states, and yet our friendship never changes! I love you Becky! YOU are a GEM my friend!

14 yrs ago!

last year :)
PS-(I think we've aged well- those beauty tips must be working!) ;)

Monday, November 19, 2012

A month of thanks: Me Time, My Disgruntled Elf & Answered Prayers

Day 17:

 I am so thankful to have time alone. It doesn't happen often for me, but when it comes it is so appreciated! I have days, or moments in my days that I just need to be by myself. Jason & I have attend a few marriage conferences & there is always talk about how women talk more vs men & so on... well not the case in this house. In fact the other day in the car I said "I need no talking for like 5 minutes, I just do have anymore words left in me today!" I don't really get it but I am not an articulate person, it exhausting to me, I can write til I'm blue but speaking is just not my thing. Its how I'm designed. I love those around me & I love people but without time to myself its harder for me to love those things. Saturday I got to spend a couple hours antique shopping by myself & I was amazed at how after just a couple hours I felt refreshed, rejuvenated & ready to face the world.  I am so thankful for a mother & husband that will come to my rescue when they can see I'm running on fumes & need alone time!

Day 18:

My most favorite day of the year is my husband's least favorite. It's kind of a joke, but I think I married The Grinch. (yes he will kill me for this blog;) My husband is not a holiday person & me, well I am over the top with holidays! Typical of our relationship- we are complete opposites about everything! I love love love to put up the Christmas Tree & decorate, it is a very nostalgic experience for me. However every year there is a bit of a disgruntled elf in my house because he is not a fan. I am thankful that every year my husband (though he's not the 'Merriest' of fellows, he helps me put up the tree & decorate.) He sees how important it is me & he wants to create these memories for our children, so he puts his own thoughts & feelings aside & joins the party. I am so thankful for my disgruntled Elf, I will turn him merry one of these years!

Day 19:

I am so thankful for God provision. As I have mentioned we had have a rough week last week. That being said, I was starting to stress about money. Then again, who doesn't at this time of year?! The thing is we have Christmas, with over 20 people to buy for, not including our own kids. And 5 days later is Karly's birthday, & a bunch of other birthday's shortly following...  It can get a little overwhelming for a budget planning gal like myself. I had just been praying this morning for God to bless us, that He knows the needs we have & the desires of our heart-- I came home to find a big fat check in the mail. Just the reminded that I needed that His timing is perfect!

Friday, November 16, 2012

A Month of Thanks: Great friends, Caffeine & Eye cream

Day 16:

Yesterday was one of the worst days I have had in a long time. I won't get into all the details, but it started with my Dad pulling the door knob off our front door, apparently the man does not know his own strength! lol. Now our front door will not open or close... the day progressively got worse, bad news after more bad news; ending with a police officer in my kitchen writing a police report because Noelle's car was broke into & things stolen from it. The day got so ridiculous that by 1:00am everyone was in my kitchen just laughing-- we had all had a horrible day! Thank God for a dear friend who let me just unload on her, you know that ugly cry where your face hurts afterwards. I'm a bottler, I like to hold it all in & keep things to myself, and its all fine & good until a day like yesterday hits, when it just becomes too much to handle on my own & I lost all my composure. Needless to say I woke up this morning with swollen puffy eyes & felt like I'd been hit by a truck! Thankful for a new day, but realizing that I had to take Karly to school in 30 minutes & I looked like someone just beat me. I found the biggest coffee cup in my house & my eye cream. Thank God for great friends, caffeine & eye cream!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Day 15: Parenting with Grace

Month of Thanks: Day 15

Thursdays are one of our less busy days of the week here in the Courtney family, however they are still busy. Dance class, grocery shopping & worship practice, nothing unbearable. Today on the way home from the grocery store I looked in my rear view mirror & my little Karly with her head buried in her elbow being silent (this child is never silent- that was my first sign that something was wrong). I asked her if she was ok, She looked up at me with big teary blue eyes & a quivering chin and said, "Mommy, its just too much!" as I continued to ask questions; I discovered that my little one is feeling maxed out. As a mom, I want to raise a well rounded child, I want her to know her strengths & succeed in the areas God had gifted her in.

Once I asked a friend, who is also a mother of 3 very well rounded children what is the best advise she could give me? Her reply was, until she is 8 lets her try everything that she shows an interest in, then at 8 sit down & choose 1 or 2 things that she is going to stick with & dive into those activities. I took this advise to heart. it is my favorite piece of parenting advise!

Over the years Karly's schedule has gotten fuller & fuller. Gymnastics, Dance, Piano, Basketball, Soccer, play dates....I know the dangers of overstimulating but I never saw the signs. She seemed to love the actives & bounce back & forth really well. Today was a HUGE wake up call. We had a really "deep" long talk, she told me what she liked, what she didn't, that she just wants to play at home and not always have to go somewhere. It hit me really hard & at one point we were both crying. Here I was doing everything in my power to create this well rounded little person that I forgot to ask her what she liked. I failed her as a mom, Hearing "mommy I was afraid to tell you I didn't like it" felt like someone shoved a knife through my heart. I am so thankful for her ability to articulate her feelings. I do not always get it right as the mom, everyday is a new learning experience. We've had a lot of changes this year and as much as I think kids are super adaptable, every kids is geared differently and I'm learning that my daughter loves to be at home, she wants time to read & color & play with pets... and that is ok with me! I love her crazy side & I love her quiet spirit.

I am so thankful for grace. Grace & Mercy to make mistakes & start new again. Sometimes I make small mistake & sometimes they are huge, but I love that God sees them all the same.

God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out,

    his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.
They’re created new every morning.
    How great your faithfulness!
I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).
    He’s all I’ve got left. Lam. 3:22-23 (msg)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A month of thanks: Day 14

Day 14:

I am so thankful for Karly's teachers. Finding a preschool for Karly was a very big deal in our house, when you are raised in a family of educators and you have directed preschools, your requirements can be a mile long, and mine were. I originally had no intentions of sending Karly to preschool, only because I knew I could teach her everything she needed to learn at home. I have curriculum coming out of my ears. It seemed like a waste of $ to me, and I was not impressed with any preschools I had seen. Over the summer Karly went to Faith Lutheran VBS & loved every minute of it. I happened to be introduced to the director and she was not at all frightened by my list of 100 questions & requirements. After lots of discussion we decided to try it out- and we could not be happier. I love this preschool. I love her teachers SO much! Today we went on a field trip & seeing teachers who truly love to teach & love the children is so refreshing. They fully understand my daughter & love her dearly. I have watched them bring out the best in her. I am so thankful that she loves school & that I am fully confident in leaving her in their care!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A month of Thanks: Day 13

Day 13:
I am thankful for the opportunity to give & bless others! I am thankful that God has blessed us so that we can bless others. There have been many times when we have been the ones receiving a blessing. There was a time when even though we wanted to, financially we could not, and during that time people continued to bless us; buying our lunch, dropping $ in the mail, dropping off a dinner and now it feels really good to be able to return that blessing!

One of my top priorities as a parent is to raise a generous child. A couple years ago  we started getting involved with Operation Christmas Child- It is a super simple way to bless another child who has very little & allowed me the opportunity to teach my daughter what it means to be a blessing. We got our box & picked a day to go Christmas Shopping for our Christmas Child- my heart was over joyed to watch my daughters excitement this year. I had set a limit on how much we could spend filling our box, but Karly found so many things she thought our child would love that she decided to use her own money to buy them- literally brought tears to my eyes. Isn't it a treasure when you see all your teaching & hard work pay off!

Deuteronomy 16:17
Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.

Its not too late... you too can be a blessing to a child Operation Christmas Child

Monday, November 12, 2012

A month of thanks: Day 12

Day 12:

So often I can take the simple things for granted, such as my health. It usually isn't until I get sick or hurt that I don't realize how thankful I am to be well & healthy. Awhile back I busted up my ankle pretty good. Doctors said I would have been better off to have broke it cause I had a long road of healing ahead. Honestly there were days that I thought the pain would never stop. I would wake up in the mornings feeling like I had a 90's lady's ankle.  It was a dull annoying ache that did not stop. I keep a pretty busy& active lifestyle, so the dr's orders to stay off of it for weeks on end was absurd! Today was the first day in what seems like forever that I was able to complete a workout with NO pain! I know working out can be a drag, but for me it is a must, it keeps me healthy, mind & body. Its more for my sanity than my waist line.  It felt so good to get back at it today. I am thankful for healing & I am so thankful for my health.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Month of Thanks: Day 9-11

Day 9:

I am so thankful for real genuine friends. I have prayed & prayed for these friendships in my life. As a child growing up I was always envious of those girls who had a "best friend". I had friends growing up but never had that one best friend. Girls were mean & catty growing up. Lets just say I did not have good experiences with girlfriends, but it was always something I desperately wanted in my life. I am so thankful now as an adult that God has blessed me with 3 incredible girlfriends that know me inside & out, they know all my junk & still think I am awesome. Those friends I can call on for anything & I know they will be there. Friends that don't have to call before coming, who can help themselves to anything in my house, who when they leave it is always too soon, and after we've been together I feel like they have made me a better person. I hope that these ladies know how much they mean to me & I hope they know who they are but just incase they are wondering... Court, Emily & Ashley, I sure do love you ladies! Wether we have been friends years or months I believe that we are 'soul sisters'.

Day 10:

I am thankful for those who breathe life into my child. I am so blessed that God has put individuals in our lives that truly love my daughter. It is a prayer I pray daily, that God would surround her with only those who would breathe life into her. God continues to amaze me. From Kar's friends, to her teachers, to our friends, to our church family, everywhere I look I see individuals speaking life into her, encouraging her & lifting her up. I'm a thankful mama.

Day 11:

Laughter. I love to laugh. love to hear a laugh. love to share a laugh! It really is the very best medicine!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Month of Thanks: Day 8

Day 8:

On a more shallow but very important note... I am super thankful for unorthodox beauty tips like, The Sharpie Marker. Yes, I always have a sharpie on me. Check my bag at any time & you will indeed find my friend the Sharpie. Some people use this for posters or writing, however this is my #1 beauty secret! Ok not really my #1 but definitely among the Top 5! Girls, there is nothing worse than smudged eyeliner; it runs, it fades, its a pain in the bootay! Kiss eyeliner goodbye & say HELLO Sharpie! They have any color you could possibly want (however I am a fan of black & black alone). It never smears, you can't cry it off, it won't smudge & no you will not go blind by using it close to you eyes, or at least I haven't yet ;) It is one of the best unorthodox beauty secrets & don't worry I have many more where that came from! It is super easy to apply & in seconds you have a gorgeous thick lash line that will stay put all day! Whomever created the Sharpie, thank you.

So the next question everyone always ask is, how do you take it off? Vaseline. Yep, it is that simple ladies!

Where did I get this tip? from this girl right here. 

Yes, that gorgeous cat eye Taylor is known for the work of a Sharpie!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Month of Thanks: Day 7

Day 7:

I am so thankful for my husband. I am thankful for so many things about him. I could write a book on him alone. He has completely changed my life & how I view everything in it, however that is not what I am blogging about today... I am thankful that I have a husband who values our children, who goes out of his way to love our girls- from date nights to ice cream treats & dance parties. He will paint parts of their car hot pink or will play barbie with the best of them (he might hate me for sharing this) but it is one of the best things about him. He is never "too cool".

Tonight is a special Dad night at Karly's school. This morning when I dropped Karly off at school she ran to tell her friends "My dad is coming to school tonight & you are going to love him, he is the best, he is SO funny!" I love that she cannot wait to show off her Daddy! He is raising the bar. I hope & pray that these girls marry a man as awesome as their Dad.

"I never knew how much I loved you until I saw the way you love our children"

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Month of Thanks: Day 6

Day 6:
I am so thankful that today is a "GIRLS DAY"! Today I get the spend the day with both my girls, hanging out, singing lots of taylor swift, dance parties, shopping, eating, laughing, & lots of girl talk! These days do not come so often anymore with both girls in school & Noelle working, it is hard to find time to spend with both girls at the same time- so this is a special day! I am so thankful that God blessed me with these 2 beauties. I am sure that boys are great too, but girls are just kinda my thing :) I cannot imagine dirt, trucks & wrestling being any fun for me- God knew exactly what he was doing when He gave me girls. I often remember hearing my dad tell me, "Girls can do anything a boy can do & usually they do it better!" I remember feeling so proud to hear how my Dad felt about having all girls. I want my girls to always know I would not want it any other way! GIRLS RULE! (especially in this household, even the pets are all girls-lol. Sorry Honey!)

Monday, November 5, 2012

A Month of Thanks

I have said it a million times, so let me say it once more I love fall!!! I love every season which is partly why I love living in the midwest so much, you get to have all 4 seasons! But fall is my favorite above all. Every year I usually do the 'now popular' thankful for something everyday, this year I had decided that I was not going to do it, not because I am not grateful but just had other thoughts... well, I can't contain myself! I'm gonna blog my thankfulness for the month! HERE WE GO (in no particular order!):

Excuse me while I catch up a little :)

A Month of Thanks: Day 1
Protection. I am so thankful for God's protection over my life. This is something I often forget to be thankful for, but today was a stark reminder. Its a dreary day here in the Lou & to feed my addiction, Starbucks has my most favorite holiday drink, so I got Karly ready for school in record time & off we went to share some time together before school. She thinks she is so big when I ask her, "Karly would you like to go have coffee today?" (don't worry she get's vanilla milk with whip ;) I think it makes her feel grown up & important since that is what I do with my friends... (sorry got off on a rabbit trail!). As we were driving on the slick roads my car hit some oil or something & we did donuts all across the 4-laned road. My heart about came out of my chest. As I was inches away from the guard rail my car came to an abrupt halt. Funny thing was Karly had just reminded me that we needed to say out morning prayers as we do every morning on the way to school. The last words out of my mouth before our car started spinning was "... protect us & keep your hand on us as we go through this day..."  As we went across 4 lanes of traffic with not one car near our path and stopping before hitting the guard rail. God sure did answer my prayer,  right then & there!

Psalm 121:8 The Lord will watch over your coming & going, both now & forever.

I am so thankful for His protection over my life & for keeping me and my little girl safe this morning!

Day 2:
The Red Cup

Day 3:
Cuddles with my little one. My girl is such a cuddler, she would sit on the couch all day to cuddle with me. This morning she snuck in my bed for what she calls "mama love". I am realizing more & more everyday how quickly my baby is growing. She is hardly a baby at 45 inches & 44 lbs, she is growing so fast. I often wish that I could just slow down the clocks so I could have more time with her. She may not be able to fit in my one arm as she did as a little 5lb baby but I am so thankful that she curls up next to me & asks " can I have some mama love?"

Day 4:
Music. I canot imagine a day without it! It makes my soul smile.

Day 5:

My church. You have no idea how much & how hard I prayed to find the 'perfect' church for our family. There were times I thought it would never happen & times I said "I just don't think the church I am looking for exists today." And then some of our best friends introduced us to Synergy I could not be in a better place, a place that truly brings out the best in me, and not because it is church but because the people love me for me & love Jesus with all their hearts. For the first time in a long long time I can say that I look forward to Sundays. I love being apart of what God is doing & I especially love doing it with theses people!
So here is your personal invitation: looking for a church or investigating this 'God thing', come visit us! I promise there will be a really cute dark headed guy there to welcome you! :)