Thursday, December 5, 2013

Day 2-4 What My Kids Should know about Me...

Day 2: Three Legitimate Fears
1- Failure. I hate to fail at anything. If I set my mind to it, no doubt it will happen. It can be a great motivator if channelled correctly, but can also be an inhibitor. Fear of failing has often kept me from stepping out and trying new things. I have been knows to quit before I have a chance to fail. Failure to me is one of the worst feelings a human can experience. I'll never forget the first time I got a "D" on a paper in college (that was the closest I ever came to an F, and in my mind if it wasn't an A it was an F). I never learned how to give myself grace. I have had to learn as I have gotten older that not everything had to be perfect and it is ok to fail, it builds character and often that is when you learn the most. There is perfection in failure. I'm still learning this one.

2- Not being ENOUGH. I struggle with fear of not being enough to/for those whom I love. The fear of not being good enough: a good enough mom, a good enough wife. To be all I can be to my family. Fear of leaving people wanting for more, more than I can give. Am I kind enough, loving enough, patient enough, pretty enough, am I enough…? This is my quiet reminder that I am always in need of a Savior without Him, only with His help can I be enough.

3- I fear that one day you will grow & turn away from your faith. That you may choose not to love Jesus and be all you were designed to be. I pray you grow to understand that Christianity is not a crutch or a name to hide behind. That people may make fun of you, or believe differently than you and that is ok, don't hate them, just show them God's love. There is right & wrong. The bible is you instructions and that little quiet voice inside you will never steer you wrong. Love really is the most important thing, it is the only thing that changes hearts.

Day 3: My relationship with your Dad

Your dad is the most amazing man I know. He loves us so much! We have been through a lot together, some really tough times but even more happy times. He is my best friend. I can tell him anything. I tell him the things I am most happy about the things I am ashamed of. We are proof that you can go through the tough stuff and still come out on top. Relationships take two people being selfless.

We are a very unlikely match, many of your Dad's friends did not think we were a good match. But your Dad & I knew on our first date that we would be together forever. We are night & day, complete opposites. Dad is the much more outgoing, free spirit, and I am the more introvert, organized, everything planned out… together we are perfect! We have learned that we need each others differences, his strengths are my weaknesses and visa versa.

I love his dark black hair & that he still opens doors for me.

He is a gentleman.

He leads this home the way God intended, and I love that I can rest in that.

He loves you girls so much! I love how just the mention of your names melts his heart. His excitement to play with you when he gets home from work. The twinkle in his eyes when you draw him a picture or give him a hug just because. The way he carries you to bed after you've fallen asleep is breath taking. He will stop doing whatever he's doing to play with you. I hope that you always know that your Daddy adores you.

He is one really cool guy and I hope & pray that you choose a husband just like him.

Day 4: 10 things I would tell my 16 year old self

1. Don't sweat it, you are much cooler than you think.
2. High school boys aren't worth crying over. You will meet the man of your dreams.
3. Relax
4. Choose your friends wisely. Some of them will be life long friendships

5. You don't have to study so much, it won't matter being a SAHM
6. The 'cool kids' become total losers later in life
7. Figure out how to get involved in Apple
8. Don't waste your $ on college, do what you love
9. Don't sell yourself short
10. None of it will matter in 10 years

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Things My Kids Should Know...

Growing up my mom use to always say that time goes faster & faster the older you get. I did not believe her at all.

I mean have you ever sat through a geography class?!

At 16 life could not move fast enough, and now I cannot make it go slow enough. Tonight I sat in my recliner feeding my 4 month old wondering where the last 4 month have gone?! I try to savor every moment but they still go too fast. I sat with her for hours trying to take mental pictures, each chubby roll around her little wrist, the little fuzzes between her toes, how she furrows her brows while she's eating, her fat little fingers and skinny little feet, the depth of joy in those soon to be green eyes (or so I'm hoping), the way she always holds on to the neckline of my shirt…

 One day these little moments will be hard for me to remember.

All this thinking reminded me of a blog I once read that a mom wrote for her children "30 Things my kids should know about me"

I love this. I want to be an open book to my children, I want them to learn from my mistakes, I want them to know how much I treasure them. Now, I'll be honest I am pressed for time these days between moving & holidays & birthdays so I'm not going to commit to completing it in 30 days but I will complete it eventually :)

Day 1: 20 Random Facts about MOM
1- I never liked sweets until I had babies, also why I will never again be a size 2!
2- I must always wear matching socks
3- I knew I was going to marry your dad on our 1st date (the one that he says wasn't a date ;)
4- I love to swing, always have, always will!
5- Art & creating things is my outlet, how I express myself
6- I am horrible with words especially if I am put on the spot
7- I am very good at the hula hoop & have won hula contests
8- I never lose at the game "Guess Who"
9- Being organized gives me peace & calmness
10- I hate cuss words, I think it shows a lack of intelligence
11- I love making lists
12- Singing is one of my best talents, but I enjoy it the least
13- I was cut from my soccer team in high school because of worts on my foot. eww ;)
14- I wish I would have never stopped playing the piano
15- I do not like anything scary.
16- I love camping (I taught your Dad how to camp)
17- I LOVE holidays & totally go overboard!
18- Psalms 139 is my all time favorite passage in the bible
19- I have a horrible memory, hints why I take so many photos
20- I have never had braces & never had a cavity until I was 26. I'm praying you get my teeth!