Wednesday, December 29, 2010

3 years ago today...

Well, I officially cannot believe it. My baby girl is turning 3! I can remember holding her as a 6lb little baby thinking, wonder what she will sound like, who will she end up looking like, what kid of little personality will she have... all the things that flood your mind as a new mom up in the middle of the night when the rest of the world is sleeping. I tell Karly every night before she goes to sleep, "karly you are mommy's special girl" to which she now replies, "I know mom & you're my special girl too!" You know as a new mom everyone tells you cherish the time it will go fast- they were not kidding! I have diligently tried to treasure every moment with her, the good & the bad, knowing that I will never have her this age again. I am not exactly sure why but it makes me a little sad to see her getting so big. It is so fun to have "deep" conversations with her & watching her develop into her own person but I think what saddens me is knowing that the days of school & life are approaching. We won't always get to stop in the middle of the day for cookies or icecream, or drop everything & go to the zoo cause it is beautiful outside, moondough volcanos that take over my house & glitter all over the floor will one day end. I love stopping in the middle of the day to dance or hearing Mommy let's sing Taylor Swift- LOL! (ok so I may still have a few years of that left!) I just love this little person so much. She has brought so much joy & unity to our family. She is just a treasure. I know that every parent thinks their child is the greatest & I guess I am no different. I have said it before & I'll say it again, but there is just something extra when you have to wait & pray for years & years to meet your little one. So, I have learned a lot in the last 3 years of being a mom: that my heart beats outside my body now, you mess with my kid & you will get hurt, kisses & hugs really can heal everyone's hurts, the world would be a happier place if we all acted like 3 yr olds; we danced & sang whenever we wanted no matter how ridiculous it looked, if you were mad a someone you just hit them & apologize afterward, you forgive everyone in a matter of seconds, you  took naps, & if you have questions just ask WHY?.

I now know what Karly sounds like, I know that she looks like her mommy. I know that people think she is a mommy's girl until they see her with her daddy. She is quiet like her mommy but thinks like her daddy. She loves to build, make things & thinks outside the box, she loves words & knowing their meanings, she loves working towards a reward, she thrives in structure, she has a better sense of humor that the both of us combined. Most of all I know we are lucky to have this little person for our daughter!

So 3 years ago today I sat in my doctors office & they told me, oh you have another 2 weeks at the earliest, you are no where close to ready. That night we went to eat Mexican & my water broke (unknowingly) & 28 hours (of natural labor) later I held a beautiful baby girl, Karly Love Courtney. Cool story: Karly is named after a dear friend who lost her battle with cancer, the day my water broke was Karla's birthday! Happy Birthday! I hope they are throwing you a huge party up in heaven :)

So to my precious baby girl tomorrow is your special day-- Happy Birthday!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Thank you Grandma Velma for my back fat! :)

I finally made it to bed early last night & actually slept. With all the departure activities I have not been sleeping well these days... And my BIG day was coming. I am a little bit of a work out junkie but lets just say I lost all motivation & became in love with coffee, pepsi, snacks, & sugar! You get the picture. I was starting to feel the lbs gain, oh to be one of those people who gained weight in good areas. Girls complain about gaining in their butt- I'll take it!!! Since giving birth my fat finds rest in my stomach & back-- YUCK! I mean they have "buns of steal" but no "back of steal"! ridiculous- thank you Grandma Velma for my wonderful back fat genes! So I set a date & got prepared to kick my own butt. I am committed to working out & showering before Karly wakes up. It is the only time that I cannot make excuses that I should be cleaning the house or playing with her. Jason had told me he was in too- but I had to buy a "manly" workout video. Hate to tell him but my girl Jillian would kick his butt any day of the week! LOL. but I agreed. However, when the alarm went off this morning someone **cough Cough.. Jason** did not get up with me. That is right, I am calling you out- you slacker! :) But I did it & it felt good. I was worked out, had some nice quiet time & shower all before 7! It was really great. I just loved it. Sitting next to the Christmas tree thinking about this next week really made me just stop & appreciate this time of year. Then as I was off to shower I saw the most amazing sunrise- I felt as if it was painted just for me, thank you Jesus! Now, there is my motivation for tomorrow! :)

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Snacks, Tears & Tissues...

The day I have been dreading for months finally happened, we sent our friends off on their new journey. It has been a long & very hard day in the Courtney household. Even Miss Karly understood that something was happening, today as I took her to children's church she said "I wanna hear Jas." I said really? you have to sit quiet the entire time. "I wanna hear Jas" awww & she did sit very quiet the entire service. Then as we were leaving she told them that she loved them for the 1st time. break my heart. But in all of this saddness, I had a really funny moment. If you know me & Court you know that we are all about the little things, we also love getting little gifts for each other so I am in schuncks picking up snacks & I see a treat that she would LOVE, what do I do? start balling! tears, snot, hyper ventilates-- it was ugly! SO as I am checking out I am trying to pull myself together and the cashier says, "Honey do you need a tissue?" at that point I just couldn't help laughing. She was so kind to me! I needed that laugh. Oh and yes, I did buy the snack anyway. LOL! Miss cashier lady thank you for being so kind to me today, your kindness was much appreciated!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Where have I been?

So I am not sure what happened but somewhere along the past month I feel off the blog-wagon. Lets see if I can catch up!

Thanksgiving was fabulous! This was our first year home in 10 years, yep since Jason & I met 10 yrs ago we have been spending our Thanksgivings with teenagers (it really isn't so bad!) But last year we decided would be our last year going to youth conventions, as me, Jas, & Noelle packed up to leave; Karly said "mom mom, daddy & sissy go, but you no take me?" At that moment I knew those words would forever haunt me. I spent most the weekend with tears in my eyes wanting to hold my baby girl. And so as much as I love my teens it is time to be home again. Thanksgiving was great, we got to spend the day relaxing & putting up Christmas decor. Karly is so my child when it comes to holidays! Then Saturday we spend the evening with Jason's family & Sunday we got to see my family and watch our rowdy children run a muck! So much fun!

We only broke one ornament! Good Job Kar!

Ok so only my family will appreciate this, but this was my reindeer from when I was Kar's age & I was totally obsessed with him! She loved him SO much!

Ahhh. love a christmas tree!

While I cleaned up I found Miss Karly playing in my shoes, the girl is always in my heels... priceless!

Let's see what else has been happening? Oh Karly & I got to go to a video shoot with my dear friend Becky. If you have not caught wind of the song you must live in a bubble! The song is amazing (and yes I am bias but no bias attached I think it is one of the best Christmas songs in a long time!)  I have loved seeing the process watching her go through it & seeing how much people really do what to hear the "true" meaning of Christmas-- JESUS! So please if you haven't, check out the link & spread the word. Oh yeah, I am in the back row on the video-- haaa! & got to sing back up vocals-Thanks Beck, you big star, you!

Karly attempted her first Christmas play at our new church. Um... lets just say it didn't go so well. We will try again next year. But she did sing the song & dance all by herself for me & Jason and our friends Jason & Courtnee. So she put on a small performance, I guess she is just a solo artist! lol!

I am thrilled for Christmas this year, it is so fun with a little one in the house. She loves the Christmas lights, but doesn't understand why they are only on at night time. We finished all our shopping early, so the presents are wrapped & under the tree. I think this year more than any we have realized how much we just love being a family.

"Hi, I'm Jason & this is Courtnee!" Well, I'm Jason Courtney

Well I am getting ready to say goodbye to my best friend. Our friends of fate, Jason & Courtnee are moving. We are so sad but excited to see what God has planned for them & so thankful that we have got to be apart of their lives. They truly are family to us. The proverb is true, that a friend sticks closer than a brother (or sister). My heart breaks to think that there is will no more coffee breaks, or late night sonic runs & $5 pizza nights, I am not sure who Karly will bake cupcakes for now, or who I will go to craft shows with, there will be no one there to understand all my eye-rolls or laughs over The Jason's rude interruptions. I have often wondered, why where they here for such a short time, just to leave again. Then I remember, that they are the couple that God forbid anything happen to Jason & I, they will raise my precious child in a Godly home. They will teach her how to be a Provbs 31 lady & make sure she finds a  Modern Day Knight, no wimpy husband. And that is enough. It gives me the peace I need to know that should anything happen, there is no one in the world more like her parents. To know they will be at every birthday party & they will invest into her. When mom is no longer cool, she will a woman who loves her to give her the advise she needs & when she brings that boy home that Dad wants to kill, that Jas will hold my husband back & grill that boy like none other! LOL. Friendship like this is more valuable to me than anything. So, if you see me on Sunday & I have red swollen eyes, please don't ask if I am ok. See there is this funny thing in my life, I have had many very incredible friendships in my life, I mean REAL friendships & just when I think they are here to stay... they move! I guess the good thing is I could stay in many states for free :) Saying Goodbye is not easy for me. If you know me, shoot if you have ever met me, you know that I do not open up easily. But once I do, I am there for life. Jason made a great statement about me the other night he said LeAnn "Its not that you don't want close friends its that you don't want to have to say goodbye to them. Your love is deep, so your hurt is deep when they leave"- Leave it to my husband to solve my problems, lol. that is what he does! 

I love you guys so much! Court you are the younger sister I never got to have :)
Karly's first dinner with Jas & Court

trips to the zoo

love this picture. this is what they do-- TALK!

more best buddies!

Our adventurous trip on the Loop

Karly's 1st Sleepover EVER- was at Court's

haaa! Night with the girls!

more trips to the zoo

Karly caught Capt. Steve!

pony rides

pumpkin carving party!