Wednesday, November 15, 2017

What's for Dinner?

Life is crazy & chaotic these days. We have hit that phase  in life where we are running  EVERY. SINGLE. night; piano, basketball 3 nights a week, karate, swimming, art lessons, American Heritage Girls, theater... and on top of that my husband is gone every night to take care of his parents.
Most nights I am lucky if I remember to feed my kids.

I forgot dinner last Wednesday, we were leaving art lessons driving to basketball and Karly says, "Mom, where is dinner?!"  << Whoops! >>  I am pretty sure my kids will never let me live that down.

With no time to run through the drive thru...What to do?...

I started digging in my purse, cause let's be honest every mom knows where to find a leftover snack! I offered a baggie of crushed goldfish and graciously reminded them that some kids in the world are starving, they can survive going without one meal. No one took me up on my goldfish offer. So clearly they were not starving! LOL! (If you ever think I have this parenting thing down, let this be your reminder, I do not! ;)

Tonight we got to sit down as a family & eat dinner. I know this sounds like a ridiculously simple thing, but these days it is incredibly rare. I know that it is just the season of life we are in, but it felt SOO comforting to all be together sharing a healthy homemade meal.

I pulled this recipe off Pinterest  (recipe here) just because I had all the ingredients, but it was a winner! Everyone came back for seconds, even my little picky pants!

**And to you Moms (or Dads) out there, I just want to say, whether you are feeding your child snacks from the bottom of the bag or healthy homemade dinners, you are killing it! Give yourself grace. Laugh at the silly moments and trust me, they will live! Personally, I think my kids enjoyed seeing me scramble & now they forever have a great story to tell, about the time mom forgot to feed them ;) Every kids need a good story to tell! **


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