Saturday, June 15, 2013

Interview with my 5 yr old

Every year I have a birthday interview with Karly. I realized the other day that I am a little behind (LIKE 6 MONTHS!) I'm working hard to get caught up on photos & baby books before baby #2 shows up! Better late than never!

Interview with my 5 year old:

1. Who is your favorite person in the whole world? Mommy

2. What is your favorite color? Blue & Green

3. What is your favorite television show? Dancing with the Stars

4. What is your favorite outfit? What I am wearing! (a fancy butterfly shirt & sweat shorts)

5. What is your favorite sport? Basketball

6. What song do you love? Party Rock

7. What is your favorite cereal? Fruity Pebbles

8. What is your favorite meal? RIBS

9. What do you want to be when your grow up? A Vet

10. What is your favorite book? Mouse Paint

11. What are you really good at? Taking care of animals

12. Where do you wish you could go on vacation? Disney World

13. What is your best memory? Going camping

14. What would you buy if you had $1000.? American Girl Dolls

15. What vegetable do you hate? tomato 
Me:"that is actually a fruit"
Karly: "Well it taste like a vegetable!"

16. If you could have a wish, what would it be? That my kitten, Chuck, would talk to me

17. What is your favorite ice-cream? vanilla or chocolate chip

18. Who is your biggest hero? My Dad

19. Who is your best friend? Wyatt

20. What do you have to do before your next birthday? Go bowling

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